HBO's hit television drama about America's favorite crime family returns to television tonight after a two-year hiatus. Reportedly, this is the last season and will be full of surprises and obviously, lots of people will die. Will the writer's have a "Who Shot JR?" episode with Tony? Will have to wait and see. There's been lots of talk this week about whether or not "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy" will continue their lock on Sunday night television. But my question (feel free to post in the comment section) is does it really matter? With the replaying of episodes on HBO2 through HBO18, the magic of DVR and Video-on-demand, the purchase of episodes via iTunes and dating myself technologically by mentioning that old dinosaur the VCR, there is ample opportunity to watch all three programs. However, I'll be tuned into HBO just to hear the sweet sounds of "Woke up this morning" and watching the stress Tony deals with everyday-it always makes me feel better about my own lot in life. Salut Tony!
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