Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Joshua Bolten

Today Dubya appointed Joshua Brewster Bolten, former Deputy White House Chief of Staff and Director of the OMB (Office of Management & Budget) to succeed Andrew Card as WH Chief of Staff. Josh Bolten was educated at the prestigious St. Albans, Princeton and Stanford Law School. At the press conference this morning, Josh Bolten said he was eager to work on the President's agenda: 1) protecting Americans @ home 2) promoting freedom abroad, 3) expanding economic prosperity. (Don't laugh at the last point of the agenda folks, the AP reported today that there is 9.7 million more American families with a net worth-excluding their primary residences-of a million plus.) Apart from "Brewster's Millions", Bolten is characterized as a workaholic, Washington insider, who will slip into Andy Card's shoes in a smooth transition. JB Bolten was moved to the OMB when the deficits from Hurrican Katrina, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq spiraled out of control. In closing, Brewster said he was "honored to succeed Andy Card, not replace him, because Card and not be replaced." Pat on the back, smile for the cameras and Cod-piece leads the party exit stage right.

Update: The Bushido just uncovered this information, from my inside guy in DC. Newly appointed Joshua (Brewster) Bolten, cousin to Michael Bolten-from the movie "Office Space" not the saxophonists-is actually President Bartlett's Communications Director Will Bailey (Joshua Malina). The connection is more than just physical similarities, they are both named Josh, both wear glasses and both have back-side kissing ability (without backbone) than no other person inside the Beltway.

(Photo #1 courtesy of the AP, via Getty Images. Photo of Will Bailey is from NBC.com) That's enough for today. I have to slide down the bat pole and jump in to the (you guessed it) Bushido-Mobile and head to my job at Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young attorneys at law.

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