The WaPo is reporting Caspar Weinberger died today from pneumonia in Bangor, Maine at the age of eighty-eight. Weinberger was the Secretary of Defense under President Reagan and set the course for the nation's military "readiness" in response to the Red Threat of the Soviet Union. The WaPo article gives a glowing revision of Weinberger's past politics, i.e. His military service in WW2, his service in three Administrations (Nixon, Ford and Reagan) being chair of the Federal Trade Commission and Director of the OMB, which as director he earned the nickname (moniker) "Cap the knife" for his cost cutting ability. The Hollywood Jelly Bean gave Weinberger the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1987. Unfortunately when he joined Reagan's Administration he did not stay true to his cost cutting tendancies and helped create a military buildup-SDI (huge waste of man-power and money), 600 ships added to the US Navy, a surplus of Air Force B1 bombers (wing to wing stretches 40-miles long)-that created a deficit which took 20-years and record level increased interest rates to pay off.
Dubya called Weinberger "an American statesmen and dedicated public servant...America is grateful for Caspar Weinberger's lifetime of service." That f'in hyenia Rumsfeld produced a glowing response as well. Why would BushCo and the WaPo give such glowing reflections of Caspar the friendly ghost? Caspar used to write for the WaPo. BushCo probably has photos of Caspar hanging from the wall like Michael J Fox had of the Jelly Bean in "Family Ties". I can hear Rummie and Dick-Dick asking the photo now, "Caspar, how did you keep ties to the Bechtel Company (Weinberger was V.P. and General Counsel to Bechtel) and make all of your friends rich with the military buildup in the 80's without getting caught? Speak to me Caspar." All right, so maybe they are not as creative as I am, or maybe I am correct, but the conversation is not as one-sided as one would believe. BushCo is pulling the same stunts as Weinberger and they are getting away with it.
Caspar Weinberger did get caught with his hands in the cookie jar during the Iran-Contra scandal. He was indicted and for a moment it looked as though Ollie wouldn't be the only one doing time. Enter George Herbert Walker Bush, President & CEO of BushCo. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger and our friendly ghost got out scott free and without a blemish on his record. Weinberger will be laid to rest in Arlington Cemetary, which the Bushido finds sickening that he will be there amongst real patriots. Yeah, thanks for your service Caspar. You set the br of cronyism high, and I am glad that we have motivated RAHs in the White House trying to live up to your standards. Weinberger you casted a large shadow, and that is the nicest back-handed compliment that I can extend to you.
(Photo compliments of Phototex)
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