From our brief conversation: (Officer in blue-Jet in red, my thoughts in orange)
Officer: Mr. Trabert is there a reason you were taking pictures of the City Building and Police Station today?
Bushido: Sir, I was simply taking pictures of the parking lot.
Officer: Sir, why were you taking pictures of the parking lot?
Bushido: Sir, I happened to read in the (2004-2005) City Budget that we (taxpayers) spent a million-dollars on the parking lot and I wanted to take pictures of it and send it to my friends as a joke.

Bushido: (In my mind: Did this guy just finish filling out his "1D-10-T" form and miss the day in English class when ending sentences with prepositions was referred to as a no-no? Schematics? This guy couldn't even spell the "schematics", let alone realize he misused the word because it is an adjective. Good grief). Thank you Sir, the thought didn't even cross my mind, you are right it is not funny.
License back in wallet, Insurance back in glove box, foot back on petal, exit stage-nevermind-just make notes of conversation while it is fresh and rush to post.
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