Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday's WTF? Lindsay Lohan is busted-again

WTF is Lindsay Lohan doing driving a car with a suspended license, whilst hopped up on alcohol-earning her second DUI in 60-days and with enough Cocaine to warrant a felony charge against her? (Read: Reloaded-just like Herbie the Love Bug) WTF do I even care? Wait, I do care because there are innocent people on the road that she could have hit and injured. So can we pass a law that if you are a wealthy celebrity with a suspended-license (not but 11-days out of re-hab) that you must have a driver transport you (especially on your vehicular chases of the mother of your assistant who just quit)?

I must admit, I was a bit "surprised" to see Lindsay Lohan as #1 on the Maxim's Hot 100 list, but as Lindsay gets just a bit more crazy, my attraction grows stronger and I am beginning to understand Maxim's line of thinking. You go girl!

(Photo credits: The SuperFicial.)

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