Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hunting the elusive Gray-Fox of the North Carolina foothills

Graduation is a rite of passage for many, but for some, graduating to a new hair-do (errr, don't) never seems to be in their grasp. As you know, the Bushido attended my sister's graduation this past weekend, not knowing that I would have the opportunity to go hunting-the elusive and majestic Gray-Fox of the North Carolina foothills-look there he is. (Photos compliments of the Bushido).

I approach the majestic creature from behind as not too startle it-look at that glorious mane of hair!

A twig snaps as I inch closer, the Gray-Fox is startled; so elusive, this stag runs to the safety of mulletude in numbers. A chance encounter, but a memorable one. I shall always remember this day, hunting the Gray-Fox.

Perhaps I will send these pictures to and see if there is some kind of reward for capturing the Gray-Fox on film.

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