Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Modus-Opera-Andi, Costco Kiosks and a Beautiful Song "Nessun Dorma" by Luciano Pavarotti

Never really my "modus Opera-andi" but if you remember (way back to the '02) at the end of the movie "The Sum of All Fears"(links to IMDb) the beautiful melody playing in the arms dealer's home right before he gets the blade and the song playing as the Neo-Nazi extremist Jaguar driver continues his bad habit is the song "Nessun Dorma-(Tourandot)" by the recently deceased Luciano Pavarotti.

Ironic because the title translates to "None Shall Sleep" and all of the bad guys were about to take a dirt nap, but I digress; I haven't heard this song until last night when it was playing in Costco on their little "Thanks-X-Mas_oween" kiosk but they unfortunately were not selling the Opera Collection Cd and didn't list the names or titles of song tracks. Just for fun try this experiment: Ask a handful of Costco employees or Sam's Club associates (whatever your big box of choice is) to name that Opera singer. I'll bet "usted oirá nada más que grillos"-sorry "mi Italiano es mierda". Luckily, a lovely lady stopped and said that is Pavarotti and after a little playing on E-Music, I found it. Also, if you need to have a "control" for your experiment ask them to name the very next song when it cuts over to the Rocking Halloween album, yahtzee! It's the Monster Mash!

FYI: it helps to know how to spell P-A-V-A-R-O-T-T-I.

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