Wednesday, September 24, 2008

When Life Gives You Lehmans-Make Lemonade and Ron Paul on Fox Business "Noise"

This one is for Pit-Stop, "Mr. I'm going to post, but I am sorry, I am too busy to do this". Sure, this just took all of 30-seconds, but whatever. The bottom-line is this, whomever is the next President of the United States will have to raise taxes: 2 wars, a bail-out and the Bush tax cuts-will do nothing more than dig us deeper in debt.

And where is this money coming from? Well, if our Government is not currently raising money (taxation) and the dollar is in the crapper (see USD vs Euro) because our National Debt added another 3 digits on the national debt board this past year-read we're printing money to cover our arse. Then the only place to take money from is the Social Security coffers, which those naysayers say will be broke before the X-Generation gets to the age of retirement. And why will it be broke? Because these spend-thrift Republicans keep covering their tax-cuts, government expansions and war-chests by "writing a bad check to Peter to pay Paul" (not Ron Paul).

For Pit-Stop, I knew that Ron Paul would not win his party's nomination because, sadly, he is way too smart to be a Republican. Look, deny it all you want Repubs, but for the most part, Republicans are not the "thinkers" of the bunch. Republicans like "red-meat": facts-dumb, environment-gay; gun-control-hello, did you forget about the 2nd Amendment? If you want to win, just say something about terrorism and how the liberal American hating Democrats can't protect this country. In the primaries, Ron Paul answered one of the questions smartly as that is not a decision for the president of the United States under our Constitution. Dag-Jimmit! Could you not hear the crickets? Capt Hairdo (and former East-coast elitist) announced that he would "fight terrorism over there so we wouldn't have to fight them over here"-cheers! Is it that easy Republicans that you won't listen to "smart" people because they care about America's role on the world's stage? Or that they might have ideas that are outside of the small-minded box?

And for all of those pithy comments about how you don't vote Democratic because you work and you don't think government should be the source of handouts (read: Welfare); well, these government bailouts to Wall Street are (Ron Paul has this one right-link to Paul's article on the Bailouts) nothing more than covering the risks that investment banks knowingly took and now know as long as they are a direct correlation between Wall Street and Main Street, they can take all the chances they want, because for all intensive purposes they are playing with the "houses money" (read: you, the American tax-payers money). And if you took every American currently on welfare and gave them $1 million (Yahtzee!), the total would still be less than 1% of bailout given to Lehman Brothers.

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