Saturday, September 20, 2008

McCain Flip-Flops & Palin Needs A Re-Fresher Course on the Rachel Maddow Show!

Rachel Maddow's new show is good stuff in the encore presentation of what she used to do on Olbermann's Show. You know, in the world of video clips and You-Tube, politicians need to pay attention and realize that people will put their Google to work and catch a patrician by their toe. For those of you who don't remember the S&L scandal and the Keating 5 (which John McCain was a member of) from the '80's, you should check out Micheal Lewis' book, Liar's Poker-one of the Bushido's favorite books, where Lewis breaks down the hubris misplayed by the big-swinging-Dicks as they continued to take on bad-debt just to prove they could take on the aforementioned debt-which led to a formal break-down in the savings and loan industry. Unfortunately, this should have been a book passed out in business 101, or perhaps to freshman-"congressman" as they work their way up to certain committees, and become decision makers for the rest of America. Because as the old adage goes, "those who don't know history, are doomed to repeat it."

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