Monday, July 31, 2006
J. Palmer Gaillard
J. Palmer Gaillard, Charleston's 4-term mayor from 1959 to 1975, was enterned today at St. Philip's Episcopal Church laid to rest in the St. Philip's graveyard after the funeral. A modern day Horatio Alger Jr. who flew fighter planes during WW2, started a lucrative lumber business and then (reluctantly) ran for mayor after serving 2-years on City Council.
Gaillard was the right man during the right time. A stubborn Southern-Democrat of French-Hugenot heritage, Gaillard was the epitome of South Carolina's long line of citizen-soldiers and business-minded Democrats. Gaillard planted the seeds of development which his successor Joe Riley has watered and cared for the past 30 years. As Mayor, he would annex West of the Ashley and James Island-expanding the city for the first time since 1849. Mayor Gaillard helped bring Spoleto USA to Charleston by lobbying for a large venue for musical performances. After he passed the torch, Charlestonians showed their appreciation by stamping his name on the side of the building. For those Charlestonians (and visitors) who cherish the safety and cleanliness of the City Market, they have Mayor Gaillard to thank for revitalizing the Market and getting rid of the seedy, sailor's playground which plagued the three blocks we now use as a hallmark attraction for visitors around the world.
Winds of Change
But it would be his concern for the disenfranchised members of the community that will be his legacy in history. Before he took office, the NAACP filed a suit against the then segregated Charleston Municipal Golf course. Gaillard put Morris Rosen (then City attorney) and other members of his staff on the job to resolve the situation, thus creating the first integrated municipal (public) facility in South Carolina. As mayor, he kept a tight leash on the CCP during the tumultous Civil Rights Era. Gaillard believed as Americans, people had the right to (non-violent) protests...sit-ins were not stopped at the Kresse lunch-counters, no German Shepards were released nor were firehoses used on students and staff during the Med U Protests. There were arrests for misconduct, but the violence was prevented. The Holy City maintained its' charm and dignity due to the moderation of Gaillard and the city leaders who led us through such a dangerous time in this country.
Tragic Kingdom
Gaillard died at the age of 86 in a car accident on Friday. His Buick Le Sabre was t-boned by a Ford F-350 as he was pulling out of the parking lot after getting a fresh haircut. He was of full mental and physical capacity- one year ago he was pulling loops in a WW2 fighter plane on his birthday. Perhaps he left us the way he wanted, a full life, a happy life, in the city he loved. Perhaps his tragic death will in the end shine a light on one of the most dangerous intersections in the City of Charleston. That the City or state's traffic division should install a light or redirect traffic down a frontage lane instead of allowing people to pull out into 4 lanes of on-coming traffic. If not then his tragic death is for naught and we would not be fulfilling to his memory.
(Photo Staff/File photo from the Post & Courier)
Dallas hits high water mark of 31
Sadly, this is the first year in a long time that I can recall not seeing Craig, Betsy and Mark all in town for their triple-lindy (July 27, 29 & 31) birthday splash. Where was the missing Clemson Cowboy? Was he abducted? "Hey Tony, fah-getta-bout-it. He's a good-fella! Put him in the trunk of love until he wants to be turdy-one."
For those of you who do not know, Mark Campbell celebrates both a new wedding and a new Era-not only is he tagged, tranquilized, bagged and mounted but he gets a proper salutation for turning a dash of salt & pepper as he knocks down the door to 31!
Happy Birthday Marcus Aurelius!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Sunday Samurai Blogging
I've decided that on Sunday's I will now begin posting things kicking around in my gray matter under a new section aptly named "Sunday Samurai Blogging". Indeed this will probably be self-serving and personal notes, nothing left to posterity, just light humor and commentary that I need to get out there. Why? Because I would hate for one day my little Bushidos to think their Shogun or Pappa Bushido was uncool. Well, they probably will think that anyway, but at least I tried. Plus there are many things that I wanted to post about, but didn't have the time or there are more "important" or "news-worthy" things to address.
I know that I am giving this to you in piecemeal, but I thought I’d share another moment from Leslie & Mark’s wedding. There has been much a do about Leslie’s friends from Charlotte-the bride had two friends and their parents attend the wedding. If I may; I have a couple of things to say about this:
First, I really feel for this guy (see photo: the father) having three attractive daughters (one didn’t make the event). Indeed, they are a handsome family.
Secondly, (full disclosure: every single man-including Mark's Grandfather-wanted to know who the two cuties from Charlotte were and why Leslie never gave any of us an intro). Granted there are probably well-deserved reasons why Mrs. Campbell was reluctant to introduce us or give us names for these two ladies, especially if she remembered how Grandpa and JET rocked the Rooftop Pavillion. (Once again, it is not in my nature to be mysterious, but I don't recollect any of the events from the evening before the wedding. All I will say is Grandpa is a wild man and he told Marcus Aurelis to "shove off" because he was "killing our game" with the table full of Charleston's finest, former debutantes.)
I didn't catch their names-sorry to all of the readers who've inquired, but from my brief recon, I've found out that the blonde in black is a senior at UNCC and the red-white dress just graduated and is managing a shoe store. I told Craig and Pit-Stop the name; they've heard of it, but don't know where it is-dead end...I did have one of those "Wedding Crashers" moments when I saw the way their father was looking at me. "I just had to show off on the dance floor. He's on to me; look at the way he is looking at me". Oh and let's not forget Bobo outing me as a Democrat. Thanks Brad, like I wasn't suspect enough. I digress; these pictures are from the reception at the I'On. The band rocked. The speeches were emotional and humorous. The spread was money. The band rocked! And it reminded me of the kind of party one would have attended in the great Antebellum period in Charleston, just with less formality, no petticoats and without the white glove romances out on the gazebo. I tell you, the Abercrombies and Campbells set the bar high with this party. I can't wait to see what the Haney & Hiers will do next.
I know that I am giving this to you in piecemeal, but I thought I’d share another moment from Leslie & Mark’s wedding. There has been much a do about Leslie’s friends from Charlotte-the bride had two friends and their parents attend the wedding. If I may; I have a couple of things to say about this:
First, I really feel for this guy (see photo: the father) having three attractive daughters (one didn’t make the event). Indeed, they are a handsome family.
Secondly, (full disclosure: every single man-including Mark's Grandfather-wanted to know who the two cuties from Charlotte were and why Leslie never gave any of us an intro). Granted there are probably well-deserved reasons why Mrs. Campbell was reluctant to introduce us or give us names for these two ladies, especially if she remembered how Grandpa and JET rocked the Rooftop Pavillion. (Once again, it is not in my nature to be mysterious, but I don't recollect any of the events from the evening before the wedding. All I will say is Grandpa is a wild man and he told Marcus Aurelis to "shove off" because he was "killing our game" with the table full of Charleston's finest, former debutantes.)
I didn't catch their names-sorry to all of the readers who've inquired, but from my brief recon, I've found out that the blonde in black is a senior at UNCC and the red-white dress just graduated and is managing a shoe store. I told Craig and Pit-Stop the name; they've heard of it, but don't know where it is-dead end...I did have one of those "Wedding Crashers" moments when I saw the way their father was looking at me. "I just had to show off on the dance floor. He's on to me; look at the way he is looking at me". Oh and let's not forget Bobo outing me as a Democrat. Thanks Brad, like I wasn't suspect enough. I digress; these pictures are from the reception at the I'On. The band rocked. The speeches were emotional and humorous. The spread was money. The band rocked! And it reminded me of the kind of party one would have attended in the great Antebellum period in Charleston, just with less formality, no petticoats and without the white glove romances out on the gazebo. I tell you, the Abercrombies and Campbells set the bar high with this party. I can't wait to see what the Haney & Hiers will do next.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I Heart Beach-Music, Every day of my life, Bobo learned to shag on the beach...
Friday, July 28, 2006
And this is how you know things are getting better in Iraq
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Happy Birthday to Craig Blackmon
Happy Birthday to James Craig Blackmon! Craig Charleston misses you man. I think it is time for the great Exodus from the Queen City and for you to set up shop back here in Chucktown. We're having a party for Craig out here on the Island this weekend, Bushido BBQ and Brew.
Hope to see everyone there. (Photo the Bushido/Photobucket-Craig's graduation and 30th Birthday-Trabert, Blackmon and Hiers same line-up in both pics)
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
You need Lance in your pants….
Pit Stop just sent an e-mail that Lance Bass finally came out of the closet. Question: Is anyone shocked to hear Lance Bass is a homosexual? Apart from a few naïve 13-year old girls back in 1998, everyone else is recalling the same moment they heard either Liberace, Elton John or Brett Strand was gay…I knew it!
If you are still in disbelief, I’ll guide you through the math. Lance was a member in the campiest of all boy bands, N’Sync, + Lance paid to be an Ass-tronaut + He has pictures of Liberace, (Sir) Elton John and Cu-Joe on his walls + His favorite song is “Rocket Man” + his “gellin” has nothing to do with Dr. Scholls + my ‘Gay-dar’ went off like a Richter Scale in California the last time N’Sync performed in Charlotte (over 300 miles away from the Holy City) + he is a registered Log Cabin Republican! And that my friends is full on, non-breeder, Queen Bee Gay!
Why is this news? Now that I don't know...
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Joementum and the Harlem Globetrotter
To much dismay of my fellow bloggers, Joe Lieberman received a supporting visit and endorsement from former President Bill Clinton. The “net-objections” are not because Clinton has the same dark cloud hanging above his head as our current Chief. But a call from the Jefferson’s Party faithful that Lieberman is too in bed with those on the right side of the aisle* and with Ned Lamont closing in and in some polls taking the lead, Lieberman needed some “Joementum” from the Bushido’s favorite Harlem Globetrotter-Bubba Clinton. President Clinton was running on “Trabert-Time” showing up 2-hours late, but arrived putting aside his differences or Lieberman’s “deep disappointment and personal anger” for B.J.s and the good of the party. Bubba charmed the pants off of people with Yalie legend and local lore of the Brass City. (The City of Waterbury has a Democratic Party stronghold in local politics and the Waterbury Greens is where President Kennedy made his 11th hour stop to drum up support, which many believe raised JFK to the Oval Office). Indeed it was, “Auld Lang Syne” for Bubba and Joe. Bubba worked Joe’s first campaign for state senate back in ’70 and Joe was the first Congressman outside of the South to support Clinton’s run in ’92. That being said, my (2nd) favorite “Greek Girl” made an excellent point about Bubba’s “pink elephant” remark regarding Iraq because the reason most pollsters cite for Ned Lamont’s popularity is the war in Iraq.
For those liberals pissed that Lieberman’s “Short Ride” comments panders to the Catholic hospitals concerning rape vics and contraception, you should not be surprised, this is nothing new. Lieberman has always been a social conservative voice in Congress. That being said, when we are dealing with medical emergencies (as the clicking watch inside the alligator is chasing us) the Hippocratic Oath should take over from the “principled reasons” preventing care. A doctor’s first duty is to do now harm, not turn away emergencies because of personal or religious reasons.
From the New Haven Register (Lieberman’s “Short Ride” comment) Hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn’t be forced to do so. "In Connecticut, it shouldn’t take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said. (New Haven Register, March 12, 2006)
* Labeled a “Fox News Democrat”, many Democrats feel old Joe is not a real Democrat because he supports a host of Republican issues-Lieberman has been on the wrong side of the aisle regarding the Alito confirmation, the war in Iraq, the Terri Shiavo case and the b-ruptcy bill.
(Photo courtesy of CBS
Dan Quayle flies under the Bushido's radar
I have said it once and I will say it again, I am an unreliable narrator. (Mac-J, I promise I will give the NBS party a review when I post about “Me and this Japanese Guy”). Sorry, but this story about music and our favorite former captain hair-do slipped by me as I didn’t hear much press about it until late last night. It appears former Veep Dan (Potatoe) Quayle walked out during a John Mellencamp show last week because the Cougar said; "This next one is for all the poor people who've been ignored by the current administration" before playing his song “Wall Talk”. (NY Post, July 20, 2006) The former Veep under George H.W. Bush was quoted as saying (snarking), “I didn't appreciate the comment, and besides, I didn't think the show was very good." Snap, talk about snarking on the way out the door.
Oh yeah, life goes on, long after the snarks from Quayle are gone…
Don’t worry Johnny, King Charles has your back…From Richard Johnson @ the NY Post, Charles Barkley backed Mellencamp, saying, "He's right." While that may sound odd coming from a former conservative, Barkley told a local reporter, "I was a Republican - until they lost their minds."
(Photo courtesy of the Positive Side of Sports)
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Look for Mellen at the Braves Game Tonight
FOB Jamie Mellen is at Citizens Bank Park in Philly tonight watching the Braves take on the Phillies. He sent me a text to say he was by the bullpen wearing a blue (Braves) hat and a yellow polo shirt. Keep your eyes peeled for him.
*Photo is from our last Braves game at the Ted. (courtesy of the Bradford Report)
Friday, July 21, 2006
Trabert is a Democrat!
I haven’t had a chance to post about Mark & Leslie’s wedding and I can’t really go into detail in one post (we’ll have to do a series), but I will give you a brief description of what transpired at the very moment this photo was taken. Bobo was bringing down the house with his best-man speech, which surprisingly, was quite good. Little did I know (I am the guy standing and drinking bourbon in the center of the picture) I would become the punch-line for his “Mark could have chosen anyone of us to be his best man. Well, except for Jim because he is a Redskins fan.” (Response from the crowd was: “And that’s the only reason”.) Brad picked it back up with “Well that and he is a Democrat!” You outed me Bobo right there in front of all of those gorgeous, Republican women. Normally, I have to go out on a few dates before I break the news to the ladies, but you outed me right then and there. Of course this is all in jest, even though the lady wearing green in the front of the photo seems to be giving an Angela Landsbury-esque “Oh bother!, a Democrat”.
Bravo on your public speaking Bradford. And for warming up the crowd at my expense, it garnered quite a few laughs, especially from the UNC-Charlottians in the back of the photo-which is cool by me. I am what I am. I think and I care therefore I vote Democrat, and that my friend is why I am such a better dancer than anyone of our friends! That’s right Brad, that’s your lovely lady, Ashley, with her heels up from receiving the old “Triple-Trabert-Lindy” to finish off the pretzel! I wish that I had more to say here, but I partook a little too much in the ‘drinking liberally’ event last night. Btw, if you awaken at an unGodly hour and decide to kick the rooster out and eat some grub, don't eat left-over tacos from Toxic Hell. There is a reason that breakfast burritos exist and breakfast tacos do not, and I've learned my lesson.
For those of you interested, John Kerry will be hosting a town hall meeting concerning Health Care tomorrow morning at the ILA - Local 1422 Labor Hall, 1142 Morrisson Drive. Click here to print a ticket. I hope to see a few of you there as this is a very important issue facing this country and especially we South Carolinians*.
*According to the South Carolina Department of Insurance, close to 20% of South Carolinians are uninsured. 75% of those without insurance list affordability as the reason they have not purchased health insurance.
(Photos compliments of Massey Photos/Abercrombie & Campbell wedding)
All the ladies love B-Rad
For those of you who don’t know my friend B-Rad over at the Bradford Report, here he is in action. Girls all love him, boys want to fight him, but pound for pound he is Charleston’s most eligible sportswriter.
Bobo, I promise this is not in response to the stinging column you wrote about Notre Dame’s football recruitment tactics. That being said, I thought it interesting that your commentary was based on what a high school senior, Jamie Cumbie, uttered out of his slack-jaws. Any time someone begins a statement with “I ain’t going to lie”; you should probably expect to hear them tell tales out of school. I am sure Charlie Weis stays within the lines of recruitment strategy and rules set by the NCAA. And I am sure; there are two guys with the last name Bowden that have shadier habits of recruitment. (Now that last comment was in response to your back-handed concern and regard to the Gamecocks record and education you slid in your column).
(Photo: & Campbell wedding)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Peace in the Middle East
I wanted to give a small piece of advice to the folks in Lebanon, Syria and Iran, but could not find the words other than the obvious-return the Israeli soldier (in one piece), quit firing missiles and stop making threats to "God's Chosen People". Yet, I felt compelled to take a cinematic approach to help get my point across. I chose Munich because if you look at the Israeli's line-up (Eric Bana who played the Hulk, Julius Caesar and Daniel Craig-James Bond) it is hard to think they would lose the fight.
Scene in the courtyard after their first kill, from Steven Spielberg's Munich
Julius Caesar: That old Pesach story. The angels are rejoicing because the Egyptians have just drowned in the Red Sea.
The Hulk: I didn't say we're rejoicing. I said, "We're celebrating".
Julius Caesar: And God said to the angels, "Why are you celebrating? I've just killed a multitude of my children".
The Hulk: You didn't finish the story. The angels respond to God. They say, "God we're celebrating...because when the people hear what happened to the Egyptians, they'll understand your point."
Julius Caesar: Which was?
James Bond: "Don't F with the Jews"
For those of you keeping track, that old wordsmith, President Bush invented a new word or phrase if you will, "Hezbollian attacks". Not as cool as "strategery", but it is a challenge to spell.
(Photo compliments of Speedjax.)
And I thought everything in Texas was bigger...
Bend down and let President Putin kick you in the arse you friggin "meat-gazer". I'll be gentle though, because even though he is a total "meat-gazer", he's our "meat-gazer". At least the "Asian Elvis" had the courtesy to not look!
(Photo courtesy of the AP/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Happy Blogosphere Day!
Across the Blogosphere people are rejoicing in celebration of National Blogosphere Day! Post a comment, send hate mail, chase a chicken (Rocky tribute) and drink a cold one for your local blogger. The Bushido will have DJ Jazzy-"Insane in the membrane, insane Hussein" spin some vinyl over at the dojo later tonight to celebrate, stop on by if you have a alcoholic itch that you need to scratch.
Mellen and Jess leave for the Jersey shore tonight, bon voyage kids.
And now it is time for a break down... I wrote these lyrics to the tune of "Jump Around".
I'll serve your arse like Sadaam al-Macinro, if your girl drops her veil, I am smacking her goat. Word to your Moms, the Americans dropped bombs, I've got more oil than the Quran has got Psalms.
But just like my degenerate sons, I've returned! Anyone stepping to close to the oil wells (I set fire to) will get burned!
Cause I've got lyrics and Allah-o-lay-aa, if you come to battle bring your A.K.
But if you do you do you are a fool, and an infidel, I was found in a shallow well, you are all going to Hell. I've got oil for food, I am in the torturing mood, but no one left...if you step to me, you'll take your last breath! Pop-off, off a round, pop-off a round , pop-off-off a round and jump around. Jump Around, jump around, jump around, jump up, jump up and get down! This is dedicated to all my boys in the SUCK-Logan, Jaime, Sniper Sam, and Lt. Dan-keep your heads down; full metal jacket-I am out of here. Peace in the Middle East!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Footprints of Mules and Men
A FOB the Rastamule was a bit miffed by City Paper writer Jay Stecher a couple of issues back regarding Stecher's pass over of the Rastamule. The Main-Mule went off because 1) he puts a lot of work into his blog, and 2) he felt the carriage driver beatch blog wasn't on the same level or deserving of said City Paper recognition. I left Ben-Jammin a message of hope, perhaps the writer just wasn't intellectually on the level of the Rastamule's diatribes or perhaps he was rushed for a deadline, used technorati and Chucktown Beatch blog was the first to hit his radar. However, Stecher made amends for his apparent sin to the Holy City's tour guide institution and presented alms to the big red barn giving a nod to the Rastamule in his latest article.
Bitter Sweet
I found Stecher's article to be cowering and self-serving, but I am sure Ben-Jammin is satisfied with the coverage-bad press coverage is still press coverage. Stecher took a couple of shots at the Mule with his "simmer down little camper" and Italian-pie analogy, but my feelings are split on this issue as I understand the views of both the "fox and the hound". From the viewpoint of a writer (WTF-did I just refer to myself in that group?), you must appease your readers because you want to keep people reading, both the Mule and Stecher as do I, take this into consideration when we post our future Pulitzers. However self-serving and sophomoric, Stecher pulled out the horse-whip from the canopy and put a couple of smacks on Ben-Jammin's backside-which he has every right to do, it's his weekly write up-in order to appease the "deluge" (giant wave) of 5 e-mails he received regarding the Mule. That being said, and not to piss off one of the Bushido's most loyal readers, but Ben-Jammin did kind of stomp his own sour grapes, by shooting off his WTF e-mail and seeking attention from someone he normally would not have taken to heart.
Field of Dreams
At first I was a bit confused by Ben's reactions, but then I came to realize, while watching Field of Dreams, why Ben took this over-sight so seriously all . You see, we all want to leave behind a legacy, something that says, this man (woman) lived, this is the impact they left on the world. One day, little Ben might be "doin the Charleston" and take over as the Main-Mule or perhaps he will just simply read what his father has left to posterity, and Ben-Jammin wants to leave behind something great. Countless great writers, photographers and artists were not appreciated until they laid horizonatally 6 feet below deck, and to "ease their pain", we should try to see the genius around us, while we can still ask these great humans questions of why and why not.
The lack of recognition hurts, and it always amazes me how some people continue to go the distance when others shun or humiliate them. There have been numerous times where I have been inclined to fall down on the sword of the Bushido and give it up. I am no genius, and I don't write on the level of the Rastamule or Stecher, but I do have my critics. I have felt burn-out from the pressure to be entertaining or cut-throat towards the political winds all while appeasing the masses. This blog has matured and changed in alignment with its' author. As I have felt defeat or happiness, so has the Bushido. I beat the drum of WTF in the last election. I asked why would you vote for George W again? What has he done that has helped you? My pleas fell on deaf ears. It seemed the masses would rather support someone who although seriously mis-guided, you at least knew where he stood. I became the 'black friend', the Democrat friend you pull out only when someone brands your form of Republicanism racists, immorale, or ignorant. A relationship that I has with a beautiful woman became strained and then crumbled as I showed my true blue colors. I wrote myself onto a deserted island of my own fear and self-loating, finding no comfort, no Wilson to have a ball with and hang by my side at the fire in the evening. It was at that time I decided perhaps I should write about music, movies, and my comments on society.
Yet, there would be passing ships by my little island. Every so often I would see Bushido readers at local watering holes and they would give me messages of hope. "Bushido, keep writing." And I have; because I too want to leave footprints and not just in the sand to be washed away with the next tide. Keep writing Ben. There isn't any money in blogging; most people won't care what you have to say, but the internet is a far-reaching instrument of hope and somewhere, for someone you might be the intellectual light house guiding them into port during a turmultous time of war, fear and self-loating. If you can help one person, then you have left a legacy, a footprint and I leave that advice not only for Ben Doyle, but for all writers, thinkers, business leaders and politicians.
Cheers Rasta-Mule! -Jim Trabert
(Btw, I am back from my sabbatical)
Monday, July 10, 2006
Happy Birthday to Lt. Dan!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Isabella's Birthday
Monday, July 03, 2006
Cremins will do the Charleston!
At 2 o’clock this afternoon, the College of Charleston will announce former Georgia Tech coach Bobby Cremins will take over as head coach for the College of Charleston Cougars. Cremins, who took Tech to the Big Dance 10-times (with a Final Four appearance); won the ACC Championship three times and he took App. State to the Dance once, inked a 6-year contract and will not only help the school’s image and recruitment but will be a hell of a transition coach to help rebuild the program and restore hope for the Maroon faithful.
They’re already talking…
As I mentioned beforehand, Coach Cremins will bring a national exposure to CofC’s program that we’ve not felt before. Dickie V is shouting about the Cougs! South Carolina coach Dave Odom (the Cougars have the Gamecocks on their schedule this year) and Coach K from Duke both remarked in the AP that they were glad to see Cremins return. All I can say is, they’re not the only ones! If you want to watch the Press Conference at 2 pm from Randolph Hall announcing Coach Cremins as the 21st head coach for the College click here.
(Photo compliments of Augustasports)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
The Beav Report: Superman Returns Review
Superman ReturnsYou Can't Kill Me Motha Fukaaaaaaa!!!!!! Superman doesn't actually say it, but it'd be pretty sweet if he did right as he was kicking the sh*t out of Lex Luthor. It's no secret that i'm a rather huge fan of the Man of Steel, and for me I was a little worried that the movie just wouldn't deliver. I couldn't have been more wrong. The story is new and the focus is more on the characters than action sequences. Which oddly enough, fits perfect. You are so drawn in by the characters and the story that when the action does come, you feel like you a part of it. You'll be very drawn in by the characters and by Brandon Routh's (pronounced like south) ability to play Superman and Clark. He plays his part to a "T" and even exceeds the "Reeve" Superman. The first time he appears as Superman you will get goosebumps.
If you get the chance, make sure you see it in 3d at your local IMAX. It makes it even that much better. I can't recommend this movie enough. I'm not going to spoil it by telling you he has a kid, gets killed, and saves a couple of people - because I want you to see it. This movie will truly make you believe that a man can fly.-- "I'm what Willis was talking about" - Rob
(Guest writer Robert Going "the Beav" is a law student at Michigan and is an avid Superman fan!)