Thursday, July 20, 2006

Peace in the Middle East

I wanted to give a small piece of advice to the folks in Lebanon, Syria and Iran, but could not find the words other than the obvious-return the Israeli soldier (in one piece), quit firing missiles and stop making threats to "God's Chosen People". Yet, I felt compelled to take a cinematic approach to help get my point across. I chose Munich because if you look at the Israeli's line-up (Eric Bana who played the Hulk, Julius Caesar and Daniel Craig-James Bond) it is hard to think they would lose the fight.

Scene in the courtyard after their first kill, from Steven Spielberg's Munich

Julius Caesar: That old Pesach story. The angels are rejoicing because the Egyptians have just drowned in the Red Sea.

The Hulk: I didn't say we're rejoicing. I said, "We're celebrating".

Julius Caesar: And God said to the angels, "Why are you celebrating? I've just killed a multitude of my children".

The Hulk: You didn't finish the story. The angels respond to God. They say, "God we're celebrating...because when the people hear what happened to the Egyptians, they'll understand your point."

Julius Caesar: Which was?

James Bond: "Don't F with the Jews"

For those of you keeping track, that old wordsmith, President Bush invented a new word or phrase if you will, "Hezbollian attacks". Not as cool as "strategery", but it is a challenge to spell.

(Photo compliments of Speedjax.)


  1. Charles Krauthammer denounced Stephen Spielberg as an anti-Semite for making Munich. The first time I'd ever seen that epithet applied to a Jew.

    Krauthammer's objection, if you can believe it, was that Spielberg made Arabs look humane.

    He also didn't like the ending because Bana wouldn't go back to Israel at the end.

    Krauthammer took a truly great examination of the toll such work does to a human, regardless of race or nationality, and turned it into a mundane political issue.

  2. I never saw those comments by WaPo’s golden commentator, but if they are true, then you’ve summed up both the movie and the writer perfectly. I found your comment interesting and on target. Thanks, JET
