Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Joementum and the Harlem Globetrotter

To much dismay of my fellow bloggers, Joe Lieberman received a supporting visit and endorsement from former President Bill Clinton. The “net-objections” are not because Clinton has the same dark cloud hanging above his head as our current Chief. But a call from the Jefferson’s Party faithful that Lieberman is too in bed with those on the right side of the aisle* and with Ned Lamont closing in and in some polls taking the lead, Lieberman needed some “Joementum” from the Bushido’s favorite Harlem Globetrotter-Bubba Clinton. President Clinton was running on “Trabert-Time” showing up 2-hours late, but arrived putting aside his differences or Lieberman’s “deep disappointment and personal anger” for B.J.s and the good of the party. Bubba charmed the pants off of people with Yalie legend and local lore of the Brass City. (The City of Waterbury has a Democratic Party stronghold in local politics and the Waterbury Greens is where President Kennedy made his 11th hour stop to drum up support, which many believe raised JFK to the Oval Office). Indeed it was, “Auld Lang Syne” for Bubba and Joe. Bubba worked Joe’s first campaign for state senate back in ’70 and Joe was the first Congressman outside of the South to support Clinton’s run in ’92. That being said, my (2nd) favorite “Greek Girl” made an excellent point about Bubba’s “pink elephant” remark regarding Iraq because the reason most pollsters cite for Ned Lamont’s popularity is the war in Iraq.

For those liberals pissed that Lieberman’s “Short Ride” comments panders to the Catholic hospitals concerning rape vics and contraception, you should not be surprised, this is nothing new. Lieberman has always been a social conservative voice in Congress. That being said, when we are dealing with medical emergencies (as the clicking watch inside the alligator is chasing us) the Hippocratic Oath should take over from the “principled reasons” preventing care. A doctor’s first duty is to do now harm, not turn away emergencies because of personal or religious reasons.

From the New Haven Register (Lieberman’s “Short Ride” comment) Hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn’t be forced to do so. "In Connecticut, it shouldn’t take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said. (New Haven Register, March 12, 2006)

* Labeled a “Fox News Democrat”, many Democrats feel old Joe is not a real Democrat because he supports a host of Republican issues-Lieberman has been on the wrong side of the aisle regarding the Alito confirmation, the war in Iraq, the Terri Shiavo case and the b-ruptcy bill.

(Photo courtesy of CBS News.com)

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