Friday, March 31, 2006

Charleston is without water!!!

About two-hours ago a major water main broke in Hanahan, SC, which really blows because that water-main is the proverbial tit which we all suck water from in the 50-mile radius of the Charleston area. Areas without water are Charleston, North Charleston, West Ashley, Goose Creek, Hanahan and Hollywood. A boiled water advisory is in effect until further notice and Wal-Mart announced their Super-Wal-Mart locations in North Charleston and West Ashley have sold out of bottled water. However, there is good news, the Cooper River Bridge Run will go on as scheduled because a major sponsor of the CRBR is Aquafina Bottled Water. Yes, folks Capitalism's irony at its' finest-we can't drink Charleston (CPW) municipal water, but we do have Atlanta's municipal water of largesse to quinch our thrist.
I'd like to tell everyone not to panic, at least wait a good 10-minutes so Mellen can run out in his new Silver Bullet to buy the house some bottled water.
CPW will have a live news conference at 11 pm tonight to update everyone on the water situation. Yes, I do live on an island, but not a deserted island, unlike Tom Hanks, I don't have to drink rain-water from a leaf, because Mellen just returned with big bottles of water for everyone! Boo-yah.

Edgewater Park Island Bridge Run

The Edgewater Park Island Bridge Run (on Wappoo Road) begins tomorrow at 4 pm. The entry fee (with t-shirt) is $15, and the proceeds will go to the Charleston Hospice. All you have to do for the race is run across the bridge (30 feet) and drink a beer. After the race the party will go back to Wally Gators for chicken-bog and free beer and a ban will be playing.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

South Carolina Gamecocks attempt to defend their NIT Title tonight against Michigan @ 7:00 pm

Tonight the University of South Carolina Gamecocks will face the Michigan Wolverines in an attempt to be the first team, since St. John's NIT back to back NIT Championships in 1943 and 1944, to defend their NIT title. This year marks the first year the NIT will be ran by the NCAA. The NCAA purchased the rights to the post and preseason NIT games last August, ending a 4-year legal battle over the television and advertisment money in college basketball. The game will begin at 7 pm tonight.

The Gamecocks road to the NIT Championship:
  • March 28: USC beat Louisville 78-63
  • March 23: USC beat Cincinnati 65-62
  • March 21: USC defeated Florida State 69-68
  • March 15: USC whipped Western Kentucky

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"The Sentinel"

One of the commercials during "24" last night was of the new movie "The Sentinel" starring my main man Michael Douglas, Kim Basinger, Eva Longoria and Michael Douglas. Also, both DC's Mayor Anthony Williams and the Mayflower Hotel (A Renaissance Marriot hotel-been there done that on Connecticut Ave) make cameo appearances.

This movie looks hot-thanks Paris, and the Bushido is finally glad that Jack Bauer, excuse me Keifer Sutherland has decided to give up the vampire genre and move towards the roles he was meant to play-Government agents. You hear me Bauer? You need to only do movies where you are dodging Glocks not garlic. Although, I will concede that "Lost Boys" was a good flick. "The Sentinel" opens April 21st and is rated PG-13.

Caspar Weinberger is now the friendly ghost

The WaPo is reporting Caspar Weinberger died today from pneumonia in Bangor, Maine at the age of eighty-eight. Weinberger was the Secretary of Defense under President Reagan and set the course for the nation's military "readiness" in response to the Red Threat of the Soviet Union. The WaPo article gives a glowing revision of Weinberger's past politics, i.e. His military service in WW2, his service in three Administrations (Nixon, Ford and Reagan) being chair of the Federal Trade Commission and Director of the OMB, which as director he earned the nickname (moniker) "Cap the knife" for his cost cutting ability. The Hollywood Jelly Bean gave Weinberger the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1987. Unfortunately when he joined Reagan's Administration he did not stay true to his cost cutting tendancies and helped create a military buildup-SDI (huge waste of man-power and money), 600 ships added to the US Navy, a surplus of Air Force B1 bombers (wing to wing stretches 40-miles long)-that created a deficit which took 20-years and record level increased interest rates to pay off.

Dubya called Weinberger "an American statesmen and dedicated public servant...America is grateful for Caspar Weinberger's lifetime of service." That f'in hyenia Rumsfeld produced a glowing response as well. Why would BushCo and the WaPo give such glowing reflections of Caspar the friendly ghost? Caspar used to write for the WaPo. BushCo probably has photos of Caspar hanging from the wall like Michael J Fox had of the Jelly Bean in "Family Ties". I can hear Rummie and Dick-Dick asking the photo now, "Caspar, how did you keep ties to the Bechtel Company (Weinberger was V.P. and General Counsel to Bechtel) and make all of your friends rich with the military buildup in the 80's without getting caught? Speak to me Caspar." All right, so maybe they are not as creative as I am, or maybe I am correct, but the conversation is not as one-sided as one would believe. BushCo is pulling the same stunts as Weinberger and they are getting away with it.

Caspar Weinberger did get caught with his hands in the cookie jar during the Iran-Contra scandal. He was indicted and for a moment it looked as though Ollie wouldn't be the only one doing time. Enter George Herbert Walker Bush, President & CEO of BushCo. Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger and our friendly ghost got out scott free and without a blemish on his record. Weinberger will be laid to rest in Arlington Cemetary, which the Bushido finds sickening that he will be there amongst real patriots. Yeah, thanks for your service Caspar. You set the br of cronyism high, and I am glad that we have motivated RAHs in the White House trying to live up to your standards. Weinberger you casted a large shadow, and that is the nicest back-handed compliment that I can extend to you.
(Photo compliments of Phototex)

Joshua Bolten

Today Dubya appointed Joshua Brewster Bolten, former Deputy White House Chief of Staff and Director of the OMB (Office of Management & Budget) to succeed Andrew Card as WH Chief of Staff. Josh Bolten was educated at the prestigious St. Albans, Princeton and Stanford Law School. At the press conference this morning, Josh Bolten said he was eager to work on the President's agenda: 1) protecting Americans @ home 2) promoting freedom abroad, 3) expanding economic prosperity. (Don't laugh at the last point of the agenda folks, the AP reported today that there is 9.7 million more American families with a net worth-excluding their primary residences-of a million plus.) Apart from "Brewster's Millions", Bolten is characterized as a workaholic, Washington insider, who will slip into Andy Card's shoes in a smooth transition. JB Bolten was moved to the OMB when the deficits from Hurrican Katrina, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq spiraled out of control. In closing, Brewster said he was "honored to succeed Andy Card, not replace him, because Card and not be replaced." Pat on the back, smile for the cameras and Cod-piece leads the party exit stage right.

Update: The Bushido just uncovered this information, from my inside guy in DC. Newly appointed Joshua (Brewster) Bolten, cousin to Michael Bolten-from the movie "Office Space" not the saxophonists-is actually President Bartlett's Communications Director Will Bailey (Joshua Malina). The connection is more than just physical similarities, they are both named Josh, both wear glasses and both have back-side kissing ability (without backbone) than no other person inside the Beltway.

(Photo #1 courtesy of the AP, via Getty Images. Photo of Will Bailey is from That's enough for today. I have to slide down the bat pole and jump in to the (you guessed it) Bushido-Mobile and head to my job at Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young attorneys at law.

White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card Resigns

El Presidente Junior Cod-Piece will announce this morning @ 8:30 am: After five and a half years of service White House Chief of Staff Andy Card is stepping down. Card will be remembered most for his role the morning of September 11, 2001 when he interrupted Dubya's reading of "My Pet Goat" to whisper in his ear, "Mr. President a second plane hit the second tower...America is under attack." The rest (and Andy Card) as they say, "is history", He will be replaced by Joshua Bolton.
(Photo compliments of the AP)

Monday, March 27, 2006

Bottoms Up! Savanna Samson's new wine Sogno Uno

Savanna Samson best known as an actress for her work in adult films is now moving into the world of wine. This is not a joke; it appears the actress (whose actual name is Natalie Oliveros-photo compliments of has a very developed palate and is quite the wine aficionado. Her husband a New York wine merchant got her interested in wine about two-years ago and since she has decided to use her money from “acting” to release her own vintage. With a little help from Italian wine-vintner Robert Cipresso (who is also the vintner to the Vatican) Oliveros developed a blended red wine (70% Cesanese, 20% Sangiovese and 10% Montepulciano grapes) named Sogno Uno with a 2004 vintage.

Perhaps the most influential wine critic in the world, Robert Parker gave Sogno Uno a 90 to 95 of 100-meaning Sogno Uno is an “outstanding wine of exceptional complexity and character”.

Sogno Uno, which retails for $38 a bottle, has a pink wrapper with a photograph of Mrs. Oliveros, hmm, I guess the stage name is appropriate Savanna Samson wearing a see through gown (see photo compliments of the wine blog). The Samson label will release a white wine (Sogno Due-“Dream Two”), champagne and a grappa next year.
Cheers and bottoms up from the Bushido!

Grace Land is now a National Treasure

It is official Elvis Presley's former home in Memphis, Tennessee is now designated as a National Historic landmark. Fewer than 25, 000 locations across the US have this designation. Obviously the blue-bloods will be against this on principle, but the blue-suede shoes made rock and roll and the 20-Century would not have been the same without them.

Elvis purchased the home for $103,000 in 1957 after the release of his first hit record "Heartbreak Hotel". Elvis and Priscilla's daughter Lisa Marie Presley is the sole owner of Graceland which as a museum has over 600,000 visitors a year.

Pat Robertson has more brain droppings

I know that I let this one slide by me last week, what can I say? I have been on vacation and the Big Dance is rolling. We could invade Iran and I wouldn't have noticed last week. Pat Robertson has more brain droppings as you see from the photo (courtesy of derenegade) and here is a portion of his comments concerning the "dangerous" professors on college campuses. Look kids here is the bottom line, college and liberal arts education is an exercise of the brain. You don't have to absorb everything a professor says as true or dare I say??? the Gospel. College is about learning other people's perspectives, and either accepting those views or dismissing them. As for the list, I am a bit steamed that Dr. Finefrock in the College of Charleston's History Department did not make the list. Why is he dangerous? Because in my extensive collegiate career he is the only RAH to hand me a F minus, minus. Which had I not had a severe case of the senior f-its forcing me to take a cavalier approach to the catalyst surrounding me on "victory lap" I probably would have rolled his house that very day.

ROBERTSON: Ladies and gentleman this is a fascinating book. If you want to, you'd better take your blood pressure medicine before you read it, but it's "The Professors: The 101 most dangerous academics in America" and that's just a short list of the 30-40,000 of them, they're like termites that have worked into the woodwork of our academic society and it's appalling. This is available at and book stores everywhere, and you really ought to read it and be informed.

TERRI: It’s interesting that so many conservatives haven't seen this because decades ago we were told that infiltrating education was the way to take over the country, we should have been on alert.

ROBERTSON: They gamed it, these guys are out and out communists, they are radicals, you know some of them killers, and they are propagandists of the first order and they don't want anybody else except them. That's why Regent University for example is so terrifically important and why we're setting up an undergraduate program that hopefully will see shortly 10,000 students, and then from there 250,000 because you don't want your child to be brainwashed by these radicals, you just don't want it to happen. Not only brainwashed but beat up, they beat these people up, cower them into submission. Ahhh! "The Professors", read it.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

(3) Florida v (1) Villanova, Florida wins 75 to 62

The first half of the game should have been a wake-up call for Jay Wright; that is, you can't play the four guard offense against larger teams (i.e. UNC or Florida.) Although the Wildcats are only down by five-points (35-30) at the half, so far; the game was dominated by the Gators. Neither team has played smart basketball during the first-half, and Florida needs to get Noah more touches, to push the miss-match on the floor. Villanova did not score a point from the field in the last 6-minutes of the half, but did score 9-points from the charity stripe. Alas, let's not count the Wildcats out before the end of the game, but there seems to be a strong possibility that the final championship game could come down to two teams from the SEC. (Oh where or where is the A, double-C? Oh where, oh where could they be?)

Update 1: First Half Stats (Player: points/rebounds/assists)
Florida Gators-35 points
  • Taureen Green: 8/0/0
  • Al Horford: 8/5/1
  • Joakim Noah: 7/8/1
  • Lee Humphrey: 5/1/3
  • Corey Brewer: 3/1/1
Villanova Wildcats-30 points
  • Randy Foye: 11/3/0
  • Mike Nardi: 6/3/2
  • Allan Ray: 4/1/0
  • Kyle Lowry: 3/3/2
  • Will Sheridan: 0/3/0
  • Jason Frasier: 4/4/0
The second half gave Villanova nothing more than heartache as their leading scorer Randy Foye gained his 3rd personal foul with 18-minutes left in the game. Foye would late foul out of the game with 28.9 seconds left in the game. Although Foye did score 25-points, he was held to 2 for 8 from behind the arc by Florida's tenacious defense primarily from Lee Humphrey. Foye's fellow senior Allan Ray was held to 11-points going 5 for 19 from the field. Despite shooting 21% scoring only 32-points in the second half, the Wildcats refused to give up, but even though plagued by turn-overs, the sophomores of Florida quickly scored 40-points and ended Villanova's chances of making the Final Four.

Florida won 75 to 62 and have the nation's best record of 15-1. This marks the 8th year in a row Gator's coach Billy Donovan has taken his team to the Big Dance.

Final Stats: (player: points scored, field average, free throw average, total minutes) Florida Gators
  • Taureen Green: 19 pts, 3-9, 12-13 (total minutes 37)
  • Al Horford: 12 pts, 6-12, 0-0 (total minutes 33)
  • Joakim Noah: 21 pts, 4-8, 13-15 (total minutes 36)
  • Lee Humphrey: 8, 3-12, 0-0 (total minutes 38)
  • Corey Brewer: 11 pts, 4-7, 2-3 (total minutes 29)
Villanova Wildcats
  • Randy Foye: 25 pts, 7-18, 9-10 (total minutes 37)
  • Mike Nardi: 8 pts, 2-11, 3-4 (total minutes 35)
  • Allan Ray: 11 pts, 5-19, 0-0 (total minutes 27)
  • Kyle Lowry: 3 pts, 1-9, 1-1 (total minutes 22)
  • Will Sheridan: 1 pts, 0-6, 1-2 (total minutes 30)
  • Jason Frasier: 9 pts, 1-4, 7-7 (total minutes 30)
Photo compliments of Gator Zone

The Food City 500 and Busch's Bristol Bump

Kurt Busch won the Food City 500 at the Bristol Motor Speedway today earning his 15 career victory in his 189th start. Bristol is a steep .533 mile track and tempers were just as steep at the end of the race. Dale Jarrett held the leader Matt Kennseth from passing and Kurt Busch decided he was not going to hold back any longer giving Kenneseth a Bristol bump with four laps to go, sending him into a sharp incline, which he maintained control of the car to finish the race. However, Kevin Harvick and Jeff Gordon were able to slip underneath his slide, a manuever which Gordon would regret later. Kennseth gave the rainbow warrior a slight bump at the end race, forcing a spin-out and a 21st place finish for Jeff Gordon. At the end of the race Matt went over to Gordon to apologize, but "rubbing is racing" does calm down a rainbow warrior with a Napoleonic complex. Gordon mustered his best limp-wristed push against Kennseth, but the NASCAR officials moved in to prevent Gordon from receiving a worse a** pounding then he did when his wife left him.
Busch's win today in the number 2, Miller Lite Dodge Charger, combined with Kasey Kahne's win in ATL last week, is the second week in a row the Dodge Charger has doned the checker flag. For those watching Detroit brand names, Chevy leads with 34 wins, Dodge has 32 wins and Ford is third with 29 wins. This is the first win for Busch in the #2 Miller Lite, Dodge Charger since joining the Roger Penske Racing Team. Busch celebrated with a sweet burnout and a mock "snow angel" giving tongue in cheek humor to the snowy weather in Bristol on Saturday.

(1) UConn v (11) George Mason, The Patriots win 86 to 84

After UConn led at the half 43 to 34, due to their strong, quick play and early lead as well as being perfect from the line (6 for 6) in the first half. The Patriots have stayed in the game with strong performances from key players such as Butler, Thomas and Jai Lewis. Rudy Gay has 9-points leading the Huskies in the first half. The Patriots were an at large choice by the selection committee, but they have shown they do belong in the Big Dance defeating Michigan State, UNC and Wichita State, and perhaps a chance to move to the next round of the tournament. George Mason has showed they will not go away.

Updates: Final minutes of the game
George Mason leads 56 to 54 with 9:30 left in the game. Rudy Gay ties the game with a nice touch to the glass. Jai Lewis hits his two foul shots giving the Patriots the lead again 58 to 56. Rudy Gay again hitting a 3-pointer to give UConn the lead 59-58 with 8 minutes left. The Patriots hit another, but Rudy Gay gains his 18th point 61-60. Jai Lewis for 2, 62 to 61 with 6:21 left in the game. Rudy Gay with another 2, but Jai Lewis puts the Patriots back on top 64 to 63 with 5:02 left.
Clease is at the Casa and is going nuts about his boys (UConn) and why George Mason is still in this game, leading 67 to 65 with 4-minutes left in the game. GMU has a sweet transition with a two on one in the back court hitting a soft touch off the glass, giving the Patriots the lead 69 to 65 with 3:07 to go, UConn calls time. UConn Jeff Adrien hits both of his foul shots to put the Huskies within 2, 69-67 (2:23 left in the game.) Boone is fouled and will go to the line to shoot two. Josh Boone misses his first shot, as well as his second.

Update: 2-Minutes remaining
Rudy Gay impedes the progress and is called for the foul. GMU gets a fresh 45-seconds. Ninety seconds left in the game. Jai Lewis takes the shot, and is tipped in. UConn’s Marcus Lewis pumps the ball and turns over the ball; the first UConn turnover of the half.1-minute left in the game. GMU can’t get the ball to drop. Lamar Butler fouls Marcus Williams as he lays one on the glass 71 to 70. Williams an 86% foul shooter hits his first. Armstrong fouls Jai Lewis a 65.1% shooter, he hits his first but misses his second, Lewis is 7 for 9 today. The Score is 72 to 70. UConn couldn’t get the ball to drop, Butler is fouled and hits his first (73 to 70) his second shot drops as well 74 to 70 with 17.6 seconds left on the clock. (Time-out by George Mason.) CLEASE IS GOING CRAZY! Marcus Williams brings it down the court and hits a short jumper from the paint with 07.9 seconds left (74 to 72.) Rudy Gay fouls Tony Skinn an 81% foul shooter with 5.5 seconds left. Skinn misses his shot. UConn brings the ball down, GMU fails to turn #33 and he hits the lay-up beating the buzzer. We are headed to Over-time, score 74 to 74. Yes folks Jamie Teske is really going crazy.

Update: Over-Time
GMU’s record in OT is 1-1. UConn’s record is 2-1. GMU makes the first two in OT (76-74). UConn scores 76-76, but GMU comes back with Butler hitting two, 78-76. Denham Brown shoots two after being fouled for UConn tying the game @ 78, with 3:02 left on the clock. After the ball was knocked out of bounds, Jai Lewis hit two 80 to 78. UConn can’t get the ball to drop from Gay’s 3-point attempt. Boone can’t stop Thomas and he hits two 82 to 78. Clease is jumping off of the walls here. A blocking foul is called on Tony Skinn his 4th personal foul. Brown is back to the line, hitting both of his shots 82 to 80, with 1:44 remaining in the game. Armstrong knocks the ball out of bounds with Lewis in the post. Folarin Campbell hits a fade-away jumper to take the lead by 4-points 84 to 80 with 61-seconds left. Timeout UConn. Williams is held by Jai Lewis and UConn gets the possession arrow, Rudy gay throws up an air-ball. Jai Lewis is fouled. Lewis gets one of two, giving GMU a 5-point lead, 85 to 80 with 41 seconds remaining. Adrien (63.5% free-throw shooter) hits one of his two from the Charity stripe (85 to 81). Will Thomas is fouled hits his first, misses his second 86 to 81 with 13.6 seconds on the clock. UConn’s Williams hits a three-pointer 86 to 84, 07.1 seconds. Lamar Butler will take it out. The clock is reset with 07.3 seconds left. Jai Lewis is fouled by Hilton Armstrong and will go to the line. Lewis misses both. Denham Brown brings it down the court, throws up a 3-pointer and misses. Clease is having worse trouble turning off the faucets than Adam Morrison and Dick Vermeil watching Sports-Centers "Close but no cigar"-clips.

The George Mason Patriots win 86 to 84 over the UConn Huskies. Obviously, the worse thing for the home-gamers in front of the idiot box is that we will miss viewing the adorable Huskie Cheerleaders on the side-line.

Update: Final Stats: Points/Rebounds/Assists

George Mason

J. Lewis 20/6/3

L. Butler 19/2/2

W. Thomas 19/13/3

F. Campbell 15/2/2

T. Skinn 10/3/2


R. Gay 20/6/1

M. Williams 13/3/13

D. Brown 11/5/2

J. Adrien 17/7/0

J. Boone 6/4/0

(Photo #1 is compliments of Softy Central; the second photo is compliments of UConn athletics.

(1) Villanova plays (3) Florida @ 5:05 PM

Tonight Villanova will face Florida to see who will make a run in this year's final four. Florida has not been to the Final Four since 2000, when they came up short for the Championship. Villanova has not made it to the Final Four since 1985 when they shocked Georgetown winning the National Championship.

V for Vendetta or Villanova?
The Wildcats ended Florida's chances last year with a dramatic win with 4 guards on the floor. After forward Chris Sumpter blew out his knee in the first half, Nova's chances looked dismal at best, but Coach Jay Wright worked with the hand he was dealt and played 4 guards triumphantly winning against Florida, albeit Nova lost to UNC (2005 Champs), Wright continued to use the 4 guard offense winning 28 games and giving the Wildcats their first #1-seed in school history.

The Gators are not the seasoned powerhouse of last year as Lee, Roberson amd Walsh have all left the team. Replacing this trio are the young, but formidable Sophomores Corey Brewer, Taurean Green, Joakim Noah and Al Horford all quick on response and transitions on the hardwood.

Both teams are quick and can score points quickly as we have seen in their last games, Florida defeating Georgetown and Villanova defeating Boston College. My money would be on Villanova to win tonight, but Florida will give a strong performance; look for this game to come down to the final moments.

Friday, March 24, 2006

(4) Boston College v (1) Villanova

BC leads Nova at the half 28 to 24. Villanova hasn't hit a three-pointer all night; however, they are still in the game by playing TENACIOUS D! Said Nova's Coach, "Its Tenacious D time, a mother *&^%$ Yeah!" BC's leading scorer is Sean Marshall with 10-points (4/5 field goals, 3/5 three-pointers) and 1 assist. Nova's Ray has only 2-points.

(11) George Mason v (7) Wichita State

At the half the Patriots of George Mason lead the Shockers of Wichita State 35 to 19. Looking at the stats and you can see that Wichita needs to settle down and hit their shots as they are 1 for 11 from behind the arc, as George Mason is 7 for 11 from behind the arc.
Update #1
Lamar dribbled away the final seconds of tonight's game as (what a shocker-photo of Tracey & Tara's shocker from the George Mason Patriots defeated the Missouri Valley Conference Champion Wichita State Shockers 63 to 55. Leading the Patriots were Folarin Campbell with 16-points and 6 boards, Lamar Butler had 14 points, Tony Skinn had 14-points and Thomas finished with 10-points.
Leading the Shockers was Missouri Valley Conference Player of the Year (what up Playaz) Paul Miller who led with 16-points and 9 boards, Karon Bradley scored 13-points, Kyle Wilson had 12-points and Sean Ogirri scored 4-points. Shockingly, Wichita finished going 20 for 64 field goal attempts and 3/24 from behind the arc.

GMU plays UConn on Sunday. Will the Patriots send the Huskies home? As GMU's coach Jim Larranga put it, "anything is possible".

(5) Washington v (1) UConn

Tip-off for tonight's game, Washington v Connecticut is at 9:57 pm! Although Washington graduate Bruce Lee was channeled for much of the evening, it was the UConn Huskies who were too sexy for their shirts and won this evening 98 to 92.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

(3) Gonzaga faces (2) UCLA in tonight's late game

The Gonzaga Bulldogs will face the UCLA Bruins @ 10:08 pm tonight . (Photo courtesy of UCLA fan's blog.) The winner of tonight's game will enter the Elite 8 against Memphis.
UCLA won tonight after coming back from a 12-point deficit to win by 2-points, 73 to 74 over Gonzaga. Say what you will but those tears Adam Morrison cried on the floor were well deserved. My advice to the Gonzaga Bulldogs, dry those eyes guys, play like a Champion and give your all on the court for the full 40-minutes and you won't have to cry at the end of the game. Instead you can hold your head high because you know you made no excuses, and that you played like a champion. Post Script: Adam Morrison, you were right. You are not Larry Bird or Pistol Pete; you are just Adam Morrison...the little engine that couldn't, and all of us home gamers got to see you crying like a little bizatch.
Who do you all think is the bigger "great white nope" Adam Morrison or JJ Redick?

West Virginia v Texas, Texas wins 74 to 71with a buzzer beating shot...

Tip-off for tonight's game is at 10:01 pm. The winner of tonight's game will face LSU on Saturday.

(13) Bradley v (1) Memphis

The beginning of the game displayed the talent from Memphis as they controlled the floor and the boards. However, the Bradley Braves settled down and started playing their aggressive yet slower game. With 7:14 left in the half, Memphis leads 25 to Bradley's 20. At the half-Bradley 30-points, Memphis 35.
The Memphis Tigers defeated the Bradley Braves 80 to 64. Memphis awaits the winner between Gonzaga and UCLA.
Final Stats:
The Tigers scored 45-points in the 2nd half to Bradley's 34-points, final score 80 to 64.The Tigers hit 31-64, 48% from the field and 12-18, 66% from the line; they finished with 42 total rebounds. The Braves were 20-65, 30% from the field, 19-27, 70% from the line and ended with 33 total rebounds.
Leading the Tigers and scoring double digits Rodney Carney with 21-points, 5 boards and 1 assist; Washington with 18-points and 3 boards; Shawne Williams with 12-points, 7-rebounds and Antonio Anderson with 10-points, 4 rebounds and 1 assist. Bradley's scoring leaders were Sommerville with 18, Wright with 14, Tony Bennett with 9. PO'B was held to just 6-points his lowest all season.
(Photo courtesy of CBS

(1) Duke v (4) LSU...LSU wins 62-54!

At the end of the first half LSU leads Duke 31 to 27. The Tigers held Sheldon Williams, perhaps the most unattractive basketball player since Shaq, to his lowest score all season (He does lead the floor with 10-points.) JJ Redick was held to 3-points in the first half and you can see his frustration as he is unable to get anything going during this game. (Something to think about-this is probably the most athletic team Duke has faced all year, and if Redick is having this must trouble with LSU, can he handle the NBA?) LSU's new highest scorers have sat out most of the first half due to foul troubles. Big Baby and T. Thomas held the Blue Devils until they both received two fouls. However, the leading scorer for LSU is Big Baby Glenn Davis' sub Darnell Lazare who scored 10-points off of the bench in the first half.

If the Tigers can stop the turn-overs and become more consistent with their shots, they have an excellent chance of winning this game. Duke can not compete with their speed and athletic ability. However, for the past 8-years Coach K has put a team in the Elite Eight and they always come loaded with a lot of heart, determination and talent.

Update: With 19-seconds left, Big Baby Glen Davis is fouled missed his first, and missed his second, but got his own rebound. McRoberts fouled him, fouling out with 9-points. Glen Davis went back to the line to give the Tigers a 6-point lead. 60-54. JJ Redick brought the ball down the court and missed a three-pointer, Davis was fouled and hit both foul shots giving the LSU Tigers a 62-54 lead. Dockery brought the ball down the court with 6-seconds left, but went out of bounds. The LSU Tigers win 62-54 over the #1 ranked Duke Blue Devils. (There goes the office bracket!)
Final Stats:
For the Tigers: Both Darrell Mitchell and Glen Davis finished with 14-points and 6 rebounds. Freshman Tasmin Mitchell finished with 10-points.
For Duke: Mud Fence had 23-points and 12 rebounds, JJ Redick had 11-points and 2 assists.

NCAA Tournament Sweet 16 Games for Thursday, March 23, 2006

  • (4) LSU v (1) Duke, game time 7:10 pm
  • (13) Bradley v (1) Memphis game time 7:27 pm
  • (6) West Virginia v (2) Texas game time 9:40 pm
  • (3) Gonzaga v (2) UCLA game time 9:57 pm

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Forbe's Billionaire List

The Forbe's magazine released their 2006 Billionaire (World's richest people) list adding 102 names to the list. The new additions set a record of 793 billionaires in the world. Most of the names came from emerging markets outside of the US as the US stock market lagged to only a 1% increase. The richest man in the world (for the past 12th-year in a row) is Bill Gates; his wealth grew 3.5 billion from 46.5 billion last year. The second richest man in the world is Berkshire-Hathaway's chairman Warren Buffet with $42 billion in net worth, down $2 billion from last year.
Billionaires with South Carolina ties:
  • No. 258: Martha Ingram-Charleston native, Tennessee resident with $2.7 billion, up $100 million from last year.
  • No. 335: Richard Rainwater of Texas with $2.3 billion, up $200 million from last year. Rainwater is married to Darla Moore of Lake City, S.C. (Darla Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina.)
  • No. 562: USC graduate Bob McNair of Texas with $1.4 billion-last year he ranked 437th with $1.5 billion. The Bob McNair referred to on the list, is not the former Governor of South Carolina and head of McNair Law Firm, P.A., but the owner of the NFL franchise the Houston Texans. Perhaps that lousy investment is the reason his wallet is light $100 million.
  • No. 746: Jerry Zucker with $1 billion. The Charleston industrialist made his first appearance on the Billionaire list this year.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Bradley Braves defeat the Pittsburgh Panthers

MVC stands for Maestro's Victorious on the Court
At the beginning of the NCAA Tournament many of the talking heads sitting in the broadcast booths across "sports-centers" in America questioned whether or not the four teams from the Missouri Valley Conference belonged in the Big Dance. Well now we have our "sweet sixteen" and it appears that at least two of the teams (Wichita State and Bradley) do belong in the Big Dance. I didn't watch Wichita State in action, but I did catch Bradley's win over the favored Pittsburgh Panthers.
I have always held a personal respect for teams who have their players photo wearing a jacket and a tie instead of the uniform garb we are so used to seeing the players done on the court. Bradley's players wear the red jacket with matching school colored ties.
What's in a name?
Apart from the unique but familiar names such as Tony Bennett (not the old crooner), Ruffin, Patrick O'Bryant and Bradley who all plays for the Bradley Braves the Braves mean business. The cards were stacked against Pitt when they imposed the fouling strategy with 1:03 left in the game because unfortunately for the Panthers, the lowest foul shot percentage on the team (68%) belonged to #13 Patrick O'Bryant. (The 7-footer had 28-points and hit 7 of 8 from the foul line.) Also, the Bushido gives style points to Bradley's flip off of the floor reminiscient of the Karate Kid or perhaps Chuck Norris.
Not official but this is the end of the game as reported by the Bushido.
With 1:03 left on the clock (64-57) Pitt's guard Krauser with an open lane to the basket tried to pass the ball, but threw it to Bradley's Tony Bennett, who was fouled, hitting only 1 of his free-throws. Ramon came back and hit a shot from behind the arc. (65-60)The board was snagged by the 7-footer P.O'B. who was then fouled and demonstrated his flip to the feet a'la Norris, hitting both of his foul shots. Pitt had another turnover and fouled Ruffin an 89% foul-shooter who hit both of his shots from the line.
With 30.6 seconds Pitt's go to guy Ramon hit a three-pointer to bring the score 68-63. P.O.'B was fouled again and went to line hitting both of his free-throws (7/8) the score was 70-63 with 5.6 seconds on the clock. Pitt brought the ball down the court putting it in the hands of the Clutch Krauser who drilled a three (70-66). Krauser fouled #5, who hit both of his three's and Pitt was out of time. Final score 72-66.

Bradley will play Memphis on Thursday.

Adam Morrison will play on Thursday

Gonzaga's clutch player Adam Morrison will play on Thursday. There was speculation that he would be unable to play due to his health. Morrison is suffering from flu-like sypthoms heightened by diabetes. You have to give it to the guy; he has heart and he is willing to go the distance and be an inspiration for kids (especially those suffering from diabetes) everywhere. Despite the pressures of the talking heads comparing him to the Bushido's favorite "Hick from French Lick" his own physical limitations Adam Morrison continues to lead the Bulldogs on and off the court, wanting as he said, "not to be Larry Bird, but, just Adam Morrison. (Photo compliments of the AP, via ESPN)

The Spring Equinox

Today marks the first day of Spring aka Spring Equinox. Could someone please inform Mother Nature? Two weeks ago I received my first sun-burn on an 80 degree Saturday here in the Holy City. Now I am freezing my mudflaps off with the brisk weather barely braking 55 degrees as a high.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Sunday's College Basketball Scores!

  1. UConn 87, Kentucky 83-recap to come on Monday
  2. (11) George Mason 65, (3) UNC 60-recap to come on Monday
  3. (13) Bradley 72, Pitt 66-recap to come on Monday
  4. Georgetown 70, The Ohio State 52-recap to come on Monday
  5. (1) Villanova 82, (8) Arizona 78

(1) Memphis 72, (9) Bucknell 56

Memphis (32-3) won for the 21st time in 22 games against the smart kids from Bucknell (27-5.) The Bisons were behind the 8-ball in the first half as their go-to-guy forward Charles Lee fouled out. The Tigers took advantage of the situation and never looked back. Tigers' high scorers were Antonio Andersen 13-points and Joey Dorsey followed with 12-points.

The Conference USA champs held the number 3 slot all year and have beaten teams from almost every conference. They have flown under the radar all year, but obviously they have gotten everyone's attention now.

In closing: The Bushido gives a tip of the hat to the Bucknell Bisons for winning the most games in their school's history.

(2) Texas 75, (10)NC State 54

Due to some early foul-trouble the Longhorns' clutch players rode the bench for a total of 20-minutes, but "deep in the heart of Texas" freshman guard AJ Abrams rose to the challenge to fend of the Wolfpack scoring 16-points to lead Texas to their 20th win in 24 games. (Texas lost to Duke by 33-points in the regular season and their next game to Tennessee by 17-points in December.) Although Gibson and Paulino were plagued with fouls and had limited playing time; Gibson put 17-points on the board and Paulino had 8-points.

Sunday, March 19th NCAA Tournament Games

Today's games are as follows:
12:10 Bradley v Pitt
2:15 Bucknell v Memphis
2:20 George Mason v UNC
2:30 Kentucky v U Conn
4:45 NC State v Texas
4:50 Georgetown v Ohio State
5:00 Arizona v Villanova

Friday, March 17, 2006

Green Light on St. Patty's Day!

Cardinal George of Chicago is joined by 76 Cardinals in the US granting a dispensation to eat meat on Friday for Catholics on St. Patty's Day! During Lent Catholics are to abstain from eating meat, but the time-honored tradition of eating cornbeef and cabbage on St. Patty's Day will be allowed due to the recent dispensation. Catholics in Ireland will partake in eating boiled bacon as cornbeef and cabbage is an Irish-American tradition. Cardinal George has asked that practicing Catholics show discipline on an alternate day this week and abstain from meat on the alternate day.

I'll be hitting the streets of Chucktown with Mellen, Tumey and Jason Kopplin (General Sales Manager of Rick Hendrick BMW.) Look for us at O'Malleys. Saturday, the Bushido will roll the General to Columbia for the celebration at 5-points!

Have a safe and happy St. Patty's Day!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tech Problems

I have updates for today's NCAA Tournament games, but unfortunately, is not cooperating. " 001 EOF while reading from control connection"-yeah, that's great. All I need now is to know Code like a Peabody and then maybe I can get something to post. I love clarity and reponse. I guess now I have to get on the internet and find out what the blankety-blank this means!
Perhaps the folks at Google will get it together for us b-ball fans, but it looks like it might be time to roll out to meet Dr. Farley. I am seriously frustrated by this!

NCAA Tournament Scores-Thursday, March 16

Finally, the Big Dance has begin. Well it officially began on Tuesday with the Monomouth/Hampton game. The folks in my office pool all received a point on that one. But the real gentlemen start your engines began today with the list of games beginning today. Here are your scores. Good luck on your brackets folks and good luck to the teams!

  1. UW-Milwaukee defeated (6) Oklahoma 82 to 74.
  2. Boston College slid by Pacific in double-over-time 88 to 76. (Thanks for getting your act together BC, I know a lot of brackets would have been screwed (royally) by your loss.
  3. Montana won over favored Nevada 87-79.
  4. Florida killed South Alabama 76 to 50.
  5. Alabama held out to win over Marquette 90 to 85.
  6. UCLA destroyed 15th seed Belmont 76 to 42.
  7. Tennessee screached by Winthrop (a former women's college) 63 to 61.
  8. Wichita State man-handled Seton Hall by 20, finishing 86 to 66
  9. UNC-W(ilmington) v George Washington GW wins 88 to 85 in over-time. (GW was down by 18-points and came back to bring the score within two-points (79-77) with 22.1 seconds left UNC-W's DJ Carter fouled Colonial Elliott while he was taking a 3-point shot. He made his first and second free-throws, missed his second and UNC-W had a chance to end the game, but missed. A flick pass down the court to Rice for two but alas the light went off before the ball left his hand. The Game is now in over-time. (Second update-25.8 seconds left) UNC-W is down by 1-point 86 to 85, Elliott was just fouled and is headed to the line. Elliott makes his first shot, missed his second. UNC-W went for the basket but Rice knocked it out, the Seahawks fouled Elliott. (second verse same as the first) and the Seahawks had a chance to throw up a 3-pointer but missed.
  10. Iona v LSU
  11. Xavier v Gonzaga: the Bulldogs win 79 to 75! (Game notes: Gonzaga trailed most of the evening until Adam Morrison stepped up, scoring 34-points and hitting 8 of 10 from the foul-line.)
  12. Air Force v Illinois
  13. Southern U v Duke
  14. Texas A&M v Syracuse
  15. San Diego State v Indiana
  16. Utah State v Washington
The Bushido will update as the evening progresses. I am sorry I didn't have Bushido updates for the earlier games, but I was working and my side-kick HRH was hogging the smart-box.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

National Coffee Break-free Starbucks coffee from 10 am to 12pm

Starbucks will host the first ever National Coffee Break for two hours (10am to 12pm) today. The Seattle based company estimates they will serve over 500,000 cups of coffee in its 7,500 US stores. Look for the Bushido to be standing in line at the East Bay and Calhoun Street location today. I'll be signing autographs, shaking babies and kissing hands. Come meet me to kick start your day with a free cup of Joe.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

John Graham Altman calls it quits after a decade of service in the SC State House

John Graham Altman III announced that he will not seek reelection for the District 119 seat in the Statehouse. The often controversial lawmaker is throwing in the towel citing the political fighting between bureaucrats and Democrats and the constant travel to Columbia (to do his job representing the people of District 119) as his reasons. John Graham has decided to follow his pal Uncle Arthur and run for a seat on the Charleston County School Board. JG Altman served on the School Board for 20-years before his stint in the Statehouse.

What does the Bushido think about this? Good ridence! I can take controversy, but when you represent the good people of District 119 without regard to the desires of the people then why are should we continue to have us represent our District. Altman felt that Cockfighting was more important than spousal-abuse. The right-honorable gentleman felt that gambling (video-poker and the SC Education Lottery) were blights on our society and would have Charlestonians "renting" women of the night. I guess he was oblivious to the fact that video-poker and blackjack produced $700 million in tax-revenue for the state and that instead of that tax revenue going to the state, the video-gambling has returned to back rooms of pool halls and members only clubs finding a under-the-table revenue resource for somewhat shady business owners. Did we need that tax money? Yes...

Finally, JG Altman hated illegal-aliens and wanted to pass a law which would put illegal Mexicans working (without work-visas) in South Carolina into prison for 5-years (South Carolina's prisons are already over-crowded) and the state would confiscate the money the illegal-alien had on them (probably not enough to cover the tax-payers expense of boarding the individual for 5-years.) Ironically, Altman's law office is a block away from the strip of Hispanic friendly businesses in Hanahan. Perhaps, the close proximity to all of those Mexican-Americans is the reason why he is so anti-Hispanic. JG Altman, please do us all a favor and don't run for the school board, just take a bow and let the curtain fall before you taint the future of South Carolina.

Pi Day and Steak and BJ Day

As I find myself a single-man on the national holiday for men "Steak and BJ Day", I am affored a wonderful opportunity to recognize why women get so freaked out about being alone on the Hallmark Holiday aka Valentine's Day on February 14th. (Full disclosure: I did have a steak to eat when I got home, but alas, without female companionship and since I did not have that rib removed I find it impossible to truly celebrate the latter part of this special gentleman's holiday geared towards reciprocity due to the purchase of chocolates, cards, teddy bears and price-gouged flowers.
What am I to do?
As noted by my heterosexual-life partner and friend Jamie Mellen, I am a serious geek because amongst other qualities I have a blog. When your back is against the wall and it is the anniversary of Albert Einstein's birth there is but one thing left to do, and that is to charge the creativity of the Bushido and celebrate Pi Day-3.14 (159.... ) Yes, let me come out of the geek closet and embrace the infinite numbers to the right of the decimal point which no matter how you compute it, remains the same. I find Pi comforting since we share the same characteristic of irrationality finding no finite or fractioned ending. Well, perhaps I spoke to soon as now it is time to end this post.

For all of you non-technorati geeks out there, enjoy the special holiday and since love is a world-wide language have fun with whatever cunning linguists you might happen to share this evening with. Although, I mention that today the Dept of Agriculture did find the third case of Mad Cow disease on a farm in Alabama. The human form of the disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (yes, because of that name scientists have given us relief with the simple "mad cow") has around 150 cases worldwide, except for the US, which has no cases of the disease. But, watch yourself Bama, if the meat ain't good to eat, then "roll tide, roll" will take on a whole new meaning.

Leon Stavrinakis will run for the District 119 House seat

Today Leon Stavrinakis through his hat in the ring to run for the District 119 seat in the South Carolina Statehouse. District 119 spans Charleston (West Ashley) to Kiawah and Seabrook Islands. Stavrinakis will seat as Chairman of the Charleston County Council to run for the seat. Mr. Stavrinakis, a Democrat, will face Republicans JG Altman and former Charleston City Councilmen Greg Hart. This makes for a very interesting race because the Republican vote could very well be split by having two Republicans facing a moderate, pro-business Democrat in the race.

(Breaking news: John Graham Altman will not seek reelection for Seat 119.)

Personal: Leon Stavrinakis is a 2nd generation American, Charleston native and local lawyer. His family owns Manny's Greek Restaurants. Stavrinakis will run to improve education reform, better growth management and property tax relief.

Solicitor Bob Ariail will seek a 3rd term

Greenville, SC: Solicitor Bob Ariail announced he will seek a third term as solicitor for the 13th Judicial Circuit. The 13th Judicial Circuit serves both Greenville and Pickens counties. Ariail was appointed as the 13th's top cop in 1997 by former-Governor David Beasley after his predecessor Dan Watson resigned to become a circuit court judge. Ariail ran unopposed and was elected in 1998 and 2002. (The Solicitor serves a 4-year term.)

Chief Justice Jean Toal requested a state-wide full court press to improve the availability and the speedy, efficient handling of case loads by the Judicial System. Ariail was quoted in the Greenville News as stating "the circuit has made progress in reducing the time from arrest to disposition of cases...but there is more work to be done."

Bob Ariail graduated from Greenville High, attended college at Wofford and graduated from the University of South Carolina School of Law. He worked as an ADA for 2-years before he moved into private practice. Ariail worked as a part-timer in the Solicitor's office in 1974, rising through the ranks until being tapped by Gov Beasley.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Economic Calendar for March 13, 2006

Monday, March 13
No major economic indicators are scheduled for today.
Tuesday, March 14
7:45 a.m. ICSC Store Sales Index For March 12 Wk. Previous:
8:30 a.m. Feb. Retail And Food Sales. Consensus: -0.8%.
Previous: +2.3%.
8:30 a.m. Feb. Retail And Food sales, Ex-Autos. Consensus: - 0.6%. Previous: +2.2%. 8:30 a.m. Fourth-Quarter Current Account Deficit: -$219.5
Bln. Previous: -$195.8 Bln.
8:55 a.m. Redbook Retail Sales Index For March 12 Wk.
Previous: -2.5%.
10 a.m. Jan. Business Inventories. Consensus: +0.3%.
Previous: +0.7%.
Wednesday, March 15
8:30 a.m. Feb. Import Prices. Consensus: -0.5%. Previous:
8:30 a.m. March Empire State Business Index. Consensus: 18.
Previous: 20.3.
Thursday, March 16
8:30 a.m. Initial Jobless Claims For March 12 Wk. Consensus:
-8K. Previous: +8K.
8:30 a.m. Feb. Consumer Price Index. Consensus: +0.1%.
Previous: +0.7%.
8:30 a.m. Feb. Consumer Price Index, Ex-Food And Energy.
Consensus: +0.2%. Previous: +0.2%.
8:30 a.m. Feb. Housing Starts. Previous: +14.5%.
Friday, March 17
9:15 a.m. Feb. Industrial Production. Consensus: +0.8%.
Previous: -0.2%.
9:15 a.m. Feb. Capacity Utilization. Consensus: 81.4%.
Previous: 80.9%.
9:45 a.m. Mid-March Univ. of Michigan Consumer Sentiment.
Consensus: 88. Previous: 86.7.

(Source: Dow Jones)

South Carolina Budget Problems

There is a major show down in Columbia for the past three-weeks. The Capitol Report section of the Post & Courier reported today of the e-mail exchange of bickering and back-biting between members of the Republican Party-mainly Governor Sanford and Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee Dan Cooper. The $6 billion dollar Budget Plan is on hold until the GOP members can reach common ground.
A Feeding Frenzy of E-mails
The e-mails released to the Post & Courier are basically sophomoric political jabs, heightened mainly because this is an election year, and as Gov Sanford was noted as one of the 3-Worst Governors by Time Magazine this year he is blaming his failures on the legislative branch of the State albeit the majority of which are Republicans. Wit from the Gov's mansion address Chairman Cooper's spend-thrift ideas such as funding education, unemployment and our road infrastructure. Cooper's responses paint Gov Sanford as an all talk and no action, chart flipping showman of the likes of former presidential candidate Ross Perot.
"What would Reagan Do?" Ronald Reagan once set the Golden Rule for Republican success on the campaign trail is "that no Republican should speak ill of another Republican." Obviously this is something Governor Sanford should tuck into his back pocket and look at everyday; especially, before he runs hogs into the House arriving in a horse and cart and also before he hits send on his e-mail. The Bushido suggests the right-honorable Governor follow the "Trabert 2-Day Rule" by hitting print, then place the letter in his desk drawer and look at it after 2-days. If he still feels the same passions, then he can send the e-mails around the Palmetto State. Or he could just come to terms with his failures, admit to them, apologize to his boss (South Carolina Citizens) and then do his best to fix the state's problems once re-elected.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

2006 Men's NCAA Tournament Bracket

The first game will be the "out-game" between Monmouth v Hampton. (The winner of this game plays Villanova on Friday, March 17th.) The first round of games will be played on Thursday, March 16th.

Sunday, March 12, 2006-College Basketball Scores

ACC Championship
(1) Duke (30-3) won the ACC Championship defeating (7) Boston College (26-7) 78-76 in Greensboro, North Carolina. JJ Redick led the Blue-devils in points (26) and assists (3); Williams led Duke with 6-boards.

Big 10 Championship
(6) The Ohio State Buckeyes (25-5) lost by seven to (15) Iowa (25-8). The Buckeyes were favored to take the title, but the Hawkeyes had other plans and won the Big Ten title for the 2nd time in their school's history.

Big 12 Championship
(13) Kansas (25-7) won the Big 12 Championship over the favored (9) Longhorns (27-6) in Dallas beating Texas 80-68.

SEC Championship
(10) Florida (27-6) won the SEC Championship in Nashville defeating the Cinderellas from Columbia (USC-18-15). The Gamecocks lost a heartbreaker to the Gators 47-49.

Citadel Baseball Coach Fred Jordan notches win #500 on his belt

Citadel Coach Fred Jordan notched win number 500 on his belt as the Citadel destroyed Butler 11-2 Friday night. Jordan achieved this remarkable accomplishment after only 15-years as the skipper @ El Cid. Congrats to Coach Jordan and the Citadel Bulldogs. Good luck with the rest of your season. For more information check out the Bradford Report.

Sopranos return to television

HBO's hit television drama about America's favorite crime family returns to television tonight after a two-year hiatus. Reportedly, this is the last season and will be full of surprises and obviously, lots of people will die. Will the writer's have a "Who Shot JR?" episode with Tony? Will have to wait and see. There's been lots of talk this week about whether or not "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy" will continue their lock on Sunday night television. But my question (feel free to post in the comment section) is does it really matter? With the replaying of episodes on HBO2 through HBO18, the magic of DVR and Video-on-demand, the purchase of episodes via iTunes and dating myself technologically by mentioning that old dinosaur the VCR, there is ample opportunity to watch all three programs. However, I'll be tuned into HBO just to hear the sweet sounds of "Woke up this morning" and watching the stress Tony deals with everyday-it always makes me feel better about my own lot in life. Salut Tony!

Friday, March 10, 2006

Citadel Basketball Coach Pat Dennis Resigns

Pat Dennis announced yesterday his resignation as head coach of the Citadel’s basketball program. For the past 14-years, Coach Dennis had only three winning seasons during his tenure and holds El Cid’s records for the most wins 158 and most losses with 232. For more information click here to go to the Bradford Report. The word on the Street is that the Bulldogs are wining and dining former-El Cid player and nephew of Pat Conroy. I’ll let Brad keep you posted.

Check Mate!

This has to be the best headline in any newspaper this week, “Man attacks three others during chess games”. The Sun News reported the story on Tuesday, March 7th. Evidently, a day of drinking and chess playing and I am guessing a few “check-mates” pushed one Myrtle Beach resident to grab an axe handle and show his opponents that he meant business. I have not read the official report, but I’ll go out on a limb here and say he assaulted his two opponents and one innocent by-stander in fewer than four moves.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Remembering Biggie! (the Notorious B.I.G.)

And still no answers…Notorious B.I.G., the man who along with help from Sean (P-Diddy) Combs and Wu-Tang revived the East-Coast rap style was gunned down on this date in 1997. Christopher Wallace (aka the Notorious B.I.G.) died from gunshot wounds resulting from a drive-by shooting at the young age of 24. Biggie's killers were never brought to justice.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I just realized today is my birthday!

“No . . . I just remembered that to-day’s my birthday." I was thirty. Before me stretched the portentous, menacing road of a new decade...Human sympathy has its limits, and we were content to let all their tragic arguments fade with the city lights behind. Thirty—the promise of a decade of loneliness, a thinning list of single men to know, a thinning brief-case of enthusiasm, thinning hair. But there was Jordan beside me, who, unlike Daisy, was too wise ever to carry well-forgotten dreams from age to age. As we passed over the dark bridge her wan face fell lazily against my coat’s shoulder and the formidable stroke of thirty died away with the reassuring pressure of her hand...So we drove on toward death through the cooling twilight." F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

I thought that I would share this photo with you all of Marcia Johnson, Trabert and Brooke Johnson. I know many of you will have apprehensions about a photo of Brooke on my birthday blog, and it will cause my dear sweet mother confusion as she is still in denial about the break-up from a year ago, but you can't white-out parts of your life just because you had a little heart ache. No one was lying during that time and we had many great moments to outweigh the bad. Plus, this is a great picture that I thought needed to be shared.
On the day of my birth, my mother's, Sheila (Trabert) Brown, marathon of 23 hours and 8 lbs. 7 oz. came along side the sweet sounds of the Four Seasons' number one hit that day, "December 1963 (Oh What a Night)". To find Billboard's number one song on the day you were born click here. Make it a great day, and Cheers from the Bushido!

I tried to keep this thing under wraps, but well, enough said...

What Trabert is doing for his birthday!

I am going to see Wilco baby! Jamie Mellen bought me a ticket and we have sweet seats. The usual suspects will all be there and I hope to give a glowing response tomorrow or the next day. Happy birthday to Bob Ailstock who will be at the show as well.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My 30th Birthday by Jim Trabert

I figured that I would say good-bye to 29 in style. So for the next couple of days, I will post pics and the fun memories of the last year of my twenties.

Pictures of my buddy Jamie Teske (Goldfinger) and his girl Emily, James Trabert and Brooke Johnson.

Mr and Mrs Josh Tarokh, Trabert and Brooke Johnson

Betsy (Baby McDaniel) Craig Blackmon, J.Trabert and Brad Hiers (Bobo)

From Rich & Claudia's Wedding: (Mark Campbell & Leslie Abercrombie, Craig Blackmon, Mr& Mrs Peacock, Trabert and Bobo.

Happy Birthday to Pat Mellen

Happy Birthday to Noel P Mellen! The Old-Guard at its' finest. Thank you for having a unique perspective that you so graciously share and keep us all on our toes. For those of you who don't know Pat and his beautiful wife Erin, they adopted the Bushido as one of their own so many years ago and have done their best to see me and my friends through both the good times and the bad. Happy Birthday Mr. Mellen!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blast you Edgar Stiles!

This is the last obit that I am writing this week! Edgar Stiles-DECEASED! Blast You Edgar! You made Chloe cry-her first sign of emotion since she joined CTU! Why couldn't you have sent a security guard down with Agent McGowan to check on the environmental-security breach? Why couldn't you have joined "hog-jog" and got back into shape to help with your speed?

God, I need a life. Seriously, the two-hours of '24' was a bit much for my senses and I need to relax a bit; you know, unwind a bit, chill...Damn you Edgar! And another thing, can we not kill all of the friggin terrorists? It would be nice to have one or two around to interrogate...

All right, that's it. I am done for the day now.

ACC Tournament Practice Schedules

All 10 practices are open to the media and to the general public.

ACC Men's Basketball Tournament Open Practice Schedule
Greensboro Coliseum - Wednesday, March 8

#9 Clemson 10:00 a.m.
#5 Florida State 11:00 a.m.
#12 Wake Forest 12:00 noon
#7 Virginia 1:00 p.m.
#10 Virginia Tech 2:00 p.m.
#6 Maryland 3:00 p.m.
#11 Georgia Tech 4:00 p.m.
#8 Miami 5:00 p.m.
#4 NC State 6:00 p.m.
#3 Boston College 7:00 p.m.

Note: #1 Duke and #2 North Carolina chose not to accept their optional practice time on March 8.

Kirby Puckett passes

Baseball lost a living legend this evening as former Minnesota Twin and Baseball Hall of Famer Kirby Puckett passed from complications after suffering a stroke. We only had Kirby 45-years, but he left his mark on baseball and all of those who met him. Despite numerous personal issues which he faced after baseball, Kirby is still the loveable guy and leader on the field who brought the Twinkies back from facing elimination through motivational leading and hitting a clutch-walk-off homer in game 6 against the Braves’ pitcher Charlie Leibrandht in the 1991 World Series. (The next night Jack Morris pitched a 10-inning shut-out and the Twins took home a World Series victory.) As you may know many of us Braves' fans have not forgotten that one, or the long-ball Puckett went yard with-check out the Bradford Report for more commentary from a Braves’ fan point of view.

Kirby Puckett ended his career with 6-Gold Gloves, two Championships, a .318 lifetime batting average, and more hits in his first two-seasons than anyone in history (2,040 hits). Puckett and Lou Gehrig are the only two members of the Hall of Fame to pass while still alive. Enjoy the great Cooperstown in the sky Kirby-we will miss you!

(Photo compliments of

Dana Reeves Passes

Dana Reeves the widow of actor Christopher Reeves died today of lung cancer at the age of 44. Sadly enough, she never smoked a cigarette in her life, but was still struck down by the disease. Her husband Christopher died back in October 2004 at the age of 52. The Christopher Reeve Foundation will continue to the Reeves' vision to help people with spinal-cord injuries and to make life more liveable for those suffering from paralysis. (AP/Photo)

Ali Farka Toure passed today as well. Known as the "bluesman of Africa" the performer is probably best known in the States for his Grammy winning collaboration with guitarist Ry Cooder on "Talking Timbuktu". (I am not trying to make this an Obit-blog, but I guess these things come in threes sometimes.)

2-Hours of Jack Bauer's '24' tonight starting at 8 pm!

All right, I'll admit it. I am a serious fan of the television show "24", by far the best show on television. It is a show that I don't miss, I am glued to the tube, hooked-give it a name! I know what you are thinking, what could be better than my weekly-hour long fix? That's right two-hours of "24". I don't know if for my birthday a few of my friends pulled some strings with Fox, but they made it happen. Thanks Gang!

I am headed home to prepare barbeque-pork, washed down with cold beer and venison sausage to put me in a borderline-digestive-coma before the 2-hours of pulse-rate redlining brings me back to complete regularity. Also, in case you are new to the show, Jack's daughter, Kimberly Bauer (who thinks he is dead still) will return this evening. Kimberly Bauer is played by actress Elisha Cuthbert (see photo)

Also, tonight the new X-Men movie trailer will be aired during the commercials. Visit here for the X-Men 3-the Last Stand movie web-site.

Economic Calendar for March 6th

Monday, March 6
Jan. Factory Orders: -4.5 percent. Consensus: -5.5 percent.
Previous: 1.6 percent, revised.
Jan. Pending Home Sales: -1.1 percent. Previous: -3 percent.

Tuesday, March 7
7:45 a.m. ICSC Store Sales Index For March 5 Wk. Previous:
1.5 percent.
8:30 a.m. Fourth-Quarter Revised Productivity. Consensus:
-0.2 percent. Previous: -0.6 percent.
8:55a.m. Redbook Retail Sales Index For March 5 Wk. Previous:
3 p.m. Jan. Consumer Credit. Consensus: $5.5 Bln. Previous:
$3.3 Bln.

Wednesday, March 8
No major economic indicators are scheduled for today.

Thursday, March 9
8:30 a.m. Initial Jobless Claims For March 5 Wk. Consensus: - 4K. Previous: 15K. 8:30 a.m. Jan. Trade Deficit. Consensus: $67 Bln. Previous:
$65.7 Bln.

Friday, March 10
8:30 a.m. Feb. Non-Farm Payrolls. Consensus: 218K. Previous:
8:30 a.m. Feb. Unemployment Rate. Consensus: 4.8 percent.
Previous: 4.7 percent.
8:30 a.m. Jan. Wholesale Inventories. Consensus: 0.5 percent.
Previous: 1.0 percent.

Source: Dow Jones

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Davidson Wins SoCon Title

The Davidson Wildcats are the 2006 SoCon Champs beating UT-Chattanooga 80-55. As mentioned in a previous post, Brendan Winters was on fire, scoring a career-high 33-points. Other leaders for Davidson was Boris Meno with 12-points and Ian Johnson with 10-points. Coach Bob McKillop won his third SoCon Title tying a Davidson coaching record set by Coach Lefty Driesell. Congratulations to the Davidson Wildcats for making their first trip to the Big Dance since 2002.

Leaders for UT-Chattanooga were Keddric Mays with 13-points and Ricky Hood with 10-points. Chattanooga did improve their shooting percentage from 25% in the first half to 35% in the second half. The coach for the Mocs, John Shulman, is now 5-1 in the SoCon tournament.

Davidson's Brendan Winters is named SoCon's Most Outstanding Player of the year!

Davidson guard/forward Brendan Winters is named the SoCon's Most Outstanding Player! Winters hails from Denver, Colorado playing for Mullen/Worcester Academy. The senior scored a career-high 33-points besting the 31-point high he set as a freshman. In the SoCon title game against UT-Chattanooga he went 13 of 21, 6 of 10 behind the arc (tying the caree-high treys he had in last year's NIT game against Soutwest Missouri State.) Brendan will lead the Wildcats in the SoCon's slot to the Big Dance. Good luck to Brendan Winters and the Davidson Wildcats!

Davidson plays Chattanooga in the So-Con Tournament Final Today

Davidson plays UT-Chattanooga for the SoCon Tournament Championship today at 2 pm. The game will be televised on ESPN2. The winner of today's game will get the SoCon spot for the NCAA Tournament! (Photo compliments of Davidson Athletics)
Update #1
Davidson is leading Chattanooga 35-20 at the half! The Senior G/F, Brendan Winters-#32 (6'5", 205 lbs, from Denver, CO-Mullen/Worcester Academy) is leading the Wildcats with 12-points in the first half.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

UT-Chattanooga defeated App State 78-75. (more later) They will play the winner of Elon v Davidson tomorrow for the SoCon Tournament Championship. The Elon v Davidson game just started and Davidson has a 6-point lead after 4 minutes into the game. You can watch all of the action on CSS Sportsnetwork.

Friday, March 03, 2006

The College of Charleston lost to UT-Chattanooga by two! We were robbed by quite possible the worst officiating that I have ever seen at the SoCon Conference Tournament-strike that, the worst officiating that I have seen in my life! Draper hit that three from the arc at the buzzer and the basket for Chattanooga at the end to break the tie was a charge!

I am headed with Mellen and Teske to catch the Cougars v Clemson baseball game in Mt. Pleasant! I'll give a better recap later.-Jet

The Southern Conference Tournament began yesterday at the North Charleston Coliseum. The SoCon only has one slot for the big dance (there can only be one!) The #4 seed-College of Charleston Cougars (17-10) have their work cut out for them as they face UT-Chattanooga today after the noon game (#8 App State v #1 Ga.-Southern). Chattanooga are the defending SoCon champs, but the Cougars did beat the Mountaineers 67-53 at the Kresse Arena back in January.
Game 8 should face the Cougars against the #1 seeded Georgia Southern which the Cougars do have the ability to beat. However, the Coll. of Charleston was swept by Ga-Southern during the regular season. Yet, the Cougars did have a chance to beat the Eagles in each of these games. Hopefully, the Cougars will not feel the pressure and the self-inflicted curse against the team from the South parts of the Peach state.

Winning this game would post the Cougars against Davidson-if the Wildcats can get past the Citadel-in the Championship game on Sunday. Davidson has beat the Cougars in their last five meetings, but this is the So-Con tourney and as we saw yesterday, anything can happen. The Cougars have not reached the final since 2000, and haven't been to the quarter-finals in 2-years. That being said, the Cougars are playing great basketball and have won 8 of their last 11 games. So, by all means, get your Maroon shirts out of the closet and get to the North-Chuck Coliseum tonight to support the Cougars and cause some Maroon Madness to help the Cougs win the So-Con and make their first trip to the Big Dance since 1999.