Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Pi Day and Steak and BJ Day

As I find myself a single-man on the national holiday for men "Steak and BJ Day", I am affored a wonderful opportunity to recognize why women get so freaked out about being alone on the Hallmark Holiday aka Valentine's Day on February 14th. (Full disclosure: I did have a steak to eat when I got home, but alas, without female companionship and since I did not have that rib removed I find it impossible to truly celebrate the latter part of this special gentleman's holiday geared towards reciprocity due to the purchase of chocolates, cards, teddy bears and price-gouged flowers.
What am I to do?
As noted by my heterosexual-life partner and friend Jamie Mellen, I am a serious geek because amongst other qualities I have a blog. When your back is against the wall and it is the anniversary of Albert Einstein's birth there is but one thing left to do, and that is to charge the creativity of the Bushido and celebrate Pi Day-3.14 (159.... ) Yes, let me come out of the geek closet and embrace the infinite numbers to the right of the decimal point which no matter how you compute it, remains the same. I find Pi comforting since we share the same characteristic of irrationality finding no finite or fractioned ending. Well, perhaps I spoke to soon as now it is time to end this post.

For all of you non-technorati geeks out there, enjoy the special holiday and since love is a world-wide language have fun with whatever cunning linguists you might happen to share this evening with. Although, I mention that today the Dept of Agriculture did find the third case of Mad Cow disease on a farm in Alabama. The human form of the disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (yes, because of that name scientists have given us relief with the simple "mad cow") has around 150 cases worldwide, except for the US, which has no cases of the disease. But, watch yourself Bama, if the meat ain't good to eat, then "roll tide, roll" will take on a whole new meaning.

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