Monday, March 27, 2006

Pat Robertson has more brain droppings

I know that I let this one slide by me last week, what can I say? I have been on vacation and the Big Dance is rolling. We could invade Iran and I wouldn't have noticed last week. Pat Robertson has more brain droppings as you see from the photo (courtesy of derenegade) and here is a portion of his comments concerning the "dangerous" professors on college campuses. Look kids here is the bottom line, college and liberal arts education is an exercise of the brain. You don't have to absorb everything a professor says as true or dare I say??? the Gospel. College is about learning other people's perspectives, and either accepting those views or dismissing them. As for the list, I am a bit steamed that Dr. Finefrock in the College of Charleston's History Department did not make the list. Why is he dangerous? Because in my extensive collegiate career he is the only RAH to hand me a F minus, minus. Which had I not had a severe case of the senior f-its forcing me to take a cavalier approach to the catalyst surrounding me on "victory lap" I probably would have rolled his house that very day.

ROBERTSON: Ladies and gentleman this is a fascinating book. If you want to, you'd better take your blood pressure medicine before you read it, but it's "The Professors: The 101 most dangerous academics in America" and that's just a short list of the 30-40,000 of them, they're like termites that have worked into the woodwork of our academic society and it's appalling. This is available at and book stores everywhere, and you really ought to read it and be informed.

TERRI: It’s interesting that so many conservatives haven't seen this because decades ago we were told that infiltrating education was the way to take over the country, we should have been on alert.

ROBERTSON: They gamed it, these guys are out and out communists, they are radicals, you know some of them killers, and they are propagandists of the first order and they don't want anybody else except them. That's why Regent University for example is so terrifically important and why we're setting up an undergraduate program that hopefully will see shortly 10,000 students, and then from there 250,000 because you don't want your child to be brainwashed by these radicals, you just don't want it to happen. Not only brainwashed but beat up, they beat these people up, cower them into submission. Ahhh! "The Professors", read it.

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