Wednesday, November 05, 2008

There's A New Sheriff In Town!

For all of those people, who said Barack Obama preaches about "change" because it is an acronym for "Come Help A Negro Get Elected", I thought I would give you something to enjoy today as this election didn't really turn out the way you wanted.

And I leave you with this to think about: when McCain gave his concession speech and mentioned Obama the crowd responded with "boos", but if you watched Obama's speech which if you didn't check back here later tonight and I will have (what will probably be the most important speech of this decade) it posted: I digress; when Barack announced Senator McCain and the sacrifices he has made, the crowd in Chicago cheered. Think about it. And then think about change, we can change friends. And I realize that the political divisions in this country didn't begin overnight and they won't be healed overnight, but we do need to begin the process. "Yes, We Can"

"Yeah, he probably reads the Bushido"
I can't take full credit but when Obama said, this [movement] began on the porches of Charleston. And in the conclusion of his speech, he mentioned that "while I breath, I hope" (aka: Dum Spiro Spero) a Charleston, SC and South Carolina motto, but I guess Obama reads the Bushido!

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