Thursday, October 02, 2008

John McCain in the Media and the Bushido gives advice to Governor Palin

Boy Scout sent me this video from BrasscheckTV

I hate to be the contrarian here, but isn’t this the same “flip-flopping” issue gerrymandering that made John Kerry untrustworthy in the last go around? Regardless, tonight is the Vice-Presidential Debate, starring Gov. Sara Palin for the Red Team and Senator Joe Biden for the Blue Team.

The Bushido’s Advice to Governor Palin:

If I could pull the Governor from Alaska (Palin) to the side and advise her on what to say tonight (not that she hasn’t had the best advice money can buy) I would start with this:

1) Quit trying to answer questions. Politicians are not known for answering questions, just spinning their response back to their party/candidate’s talking points. The reason you sound like some air-head chick from the nasal-voice regions of Northern-Ohio, Michigan or Minnesota (other than the fact you talk out your nose) is that you are trying to answer questions way over your pay-grade. Get on iTunes, grab a couple of Ann Coulters' books and pony up on your misinformation: Democrats are evil; they will raise your taxes and Obama is a Muslim. (None of which are true-except for the raise your taxes part, because Governor you make over $250,000 a year and own a plane, etc).

2) Go after Biden's record on treatment of the working-middle class America. Tone down the Joe-Six-Pack because I perceive that as going after the craftbrew drinkers willing to shell out $8 to $13 for a six-pack of high gravity or micro-brewed beer. Obviously, I can't speak for everyone who falls into that category, but I would guess a majority of which will not being voting Republican. As you all know, the Bushido is not a fan of Senator Joe Biden and neither should you be Sara Palin-he's your opponent. Now, the word on the street is that he's not going after you because the polling shows that any move against your record will be seen as an attack on all women. So instead of those "golly-geesh" comments that make idiots like you-say something substantial (i.e. Senator, you say you are for working-class Americans but you wrote the Universal Credit Bill which allows credit card companies the ability to jack cardholders rates to the max if they are late on just one of their bills. You could even put a face on it; let's talk about Jed, a single-dad, college graduate living in South Carolina who didn't pay the entire payment on one of his student loans, he paid it the next month, but before that payment was received his two credit cards raised the interests rates on his cards to 29%. Now Senator, how is a single-working father supposed to make ends meet? Whose interests do you have in mind here, the average working Joe or the big banks--MBNA from your home state)?

3) Finally, quit lying or telling half-truths because you will get caught. When you announced at your RNC brew-ha-ha that you cut costs as Governor of Alaska by selling the Governor's jet (what I affectionally refer to as "Kodiak One") on E-Bay. You had to know that the Associated Press would smell the blood and trace the trail to the rotting corpse of bull-sh_crap being eaten by lying maggots of false truths. And now we (the public) know that you didn't sell it on E-Bay, you used a broker and sold the Gulfstream (Kodiak One) for a $500,000 loss. You are in the big leagues now kid, you might have been able to hit .300 in the Class-A affiliate whilst facing guys who threw 80 mph fastballs, now you have to get in the box and try to pick up that 100 mph fastball. So Sara, keep your eye on the ball, and give it your best; then again, all you have to do is show up tonight and not completely fall on your face.

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