Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday's WTF? WTF is everyone riding the Duch?

David Duchovny announced on August 29th that he was entering a rehab-clinic for sexual addiction. If you watch the show, Californication (which Duchovny stars) you might have some idea why he may or may not be addicted (or at least inclined to) sex; the show is stocked full of smart dialogue, great story-lines and lots of sexuality. Or if you've seen his wife Tea Leoni, you might also understand the reason he could need some time off. I'm not judging (see closing) and as I told my friends when Michael Douglas entered rehab for sex-addiction, "That's a pretty sweet reason to go to rehab".

Now here I am throwing the tv show and the wife in the mix, but after Googling (holy sh_crap that doesn't get red-lined by my spell-check any longer) Duchovny and rehab, the first link I came to (MTV) "reported" that we should have seen the clues: Fox Mulder had an addiction to porn, etc. To which I thought WTF people those are characters! Run the hot wife-good looking people young and rocking, and now the man is a bit tired with all of this extra sex-story lines going in his new show, not a character he played on the Gary Shandling Show or Sex In The City.

In closing, David, we've got one thing to say:the Bushido will be seeing you at the meetings!

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