Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wednesday's WTF? WTF Do We Care So Much About Politicans Personal Lives?

Now that's how you kick off a Convention!
Gov. Sarah Palin announced yesterday morning that her 17-year old daughter, Bristol, was 5-months pregnant. (Link to article from the NY Times) Well at least this can put a stop to the rumors going around that Bristol (Gov. Palin’s now pregnant daughter) had given birth to Trig (the Governor’s infant son) and not the Governor herself. Which also answers the question of why Bristol is always holding the baby-practice! Obama had it right when he said today that "Gov. Palin's daughter is off limits". Which to the Bushido means he gets it. (Photo of Todd Palin, with Piper, Willow & Bristol holding Trig and Meghan McCain in Ohio credits: Jim Wilson/NY Times)

WTF don't we care about politicians professional lives as much as we care about their personal lives?
Liberal bloggers and far-right bloggers let Bristol be, who are we to judge? Does it really say something about Gov. Palin's parenting ability? Bristol is for all intensive purposes an adult, able to make her own "mistakes" and accept the responsibilities for those actions. But therein lies the problem with American politics and media: we (Americans) for some reason believe that our politicians should have a special moral gravitas when it comes to their personal life and if they don't the media hangs their laundry out for everyone to see. Sadly, this keeps numerous well qualified Americans (who want to serve, but don't because their family has a member whose subjective aspirations of life have gone off track). Ironically, the flip side of the coin is that Americans are quite forgiving for mis-steps in office and won't hold politicans rears to the fire for their mistakes but for some reason, we're not so understanding when it comes to politicians in personal lives. For example, former North Carolina Senator, John Edwards a populist voice for the "poor" was left off of the speaker list for the Democratic National Convention, due to an affair he had. Yet, with all of this emphasis on Palin's daughter, we seem to forget that (in a professional capacity) Governor Palin was involved with a group of fellow Alaskans who wanted to succeed from the Union. And now this is the American, John McCain has chosen as his running-mate? WTF?

The Hunters become the hunted
It's a very interesting movement going on with Republicans as they move from a negative-smear campaign Rovian-styled politics to a victimized style of politics. (It doesn't seem fitting that the party of God and Guns should be lying down and taking whatever doses of their own medicine in the Palin-pregnancy). So, the Bushido offers these suggestions to the P.R. person for Gov. Palin: If you truly want the WT vote, you should say, “Bristol is named after the race-car track instead of some salmon fishery (Bristol Bay) in Alaska of which no one has ever heard." When the media pokes their head into the scandal of abuse of power for trying to fire her former brother-in-law (an Alaska State Trooper) to add pressure to his divorce-custody battle. You answer: "That's right we have just as big of beatch on the right as you do with Hillary." When they question her experience, you answer: "She made a $1,000 bet with her hair-dresser that she could have everyone in the US knowing where Wissilla, Alaska is by the end of the week." And when they ask, why would a woman with a new-born child that has down-syndrome would want to take one of the most time consuming and stressful jobs in the world? You say, nevermind, I don't have an answer for that one. That's a tough question, which makes me question why Gov. Palin would want to even consider the position due to the timing of it all. No wait, here you go: You say, have you seen how attractive Meghan McCain is? Boo-yah!

I caught the CNBC "Street Fight" yesterday and they made some astute points considering the nomination of Gov. Palin. I'll buy in to the idea that perhaps her lack of experience is due to the glass-ceiling that all women face in business and politics. And perhaps this recent unveiling of events with her teenage daughter is a humanizing event; but Erin Burnett (love her by the way) made an excellent point, if one of the Obama's daughter was a teenager and pregnant would the media be dealing with Obama the same way?

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