Thursday, September 11, 2008

Should Obama Apologize For His "Lipstick On A Pig" Comment? We Don't Think So.

You know the thing about a joke is that some people are bound to take offense to it. Call it sensitivity, much a do about nothing or just give it a name. I thought this speech to have that mid-western plain-speak and since I grew up on a farm and listened to my father and his friends talk politics while on the back porch, I've heard the old "you can put lip-stick on a pig, but it's still a pig" saying countless times. That being said, as the audience applauded with laughter, I notice there is probably a bit of double-entendre with him saying this a week after Palin's speech at the RNC, but give me a break people. You all can let your guard down just a bit.

Two Reasons
I don't think Obama needs to apologize for what he said for two reasons: 1) Palin took shots at Obama for being a "community organizer" which brought laughs because evidently the whitest and oldest of the oldest and whitest at the RNC didn't understand that being a "community organizer" is an actual and important job. 2) Politicians (for the most part) give the same speech ad nauseum, just as a well scripted performance of an age old play. We all know Romeo & Juliet but when you see it live, Mercutio's jokes are always due for a refreshing laugh. And since most of the country didn't see Sarah Palin run for Mayor or Governor before her debut in Dayton-which most of us didn't watch-we didn't know the difference between a hockey mom and a pit-bull; well we did know the difference, we just hadn't heard the joke. Which for the un-funny people out there, is a common courtesy to extend the joke-teller.

Something to cry about
Obama, don't apologize and keep giving it to them when they dish it out. I am tired of these Republicans and their cry-baby, tattle-tail, defeat-again attitudes. Maybe their constituency will treat them like my stoic father did when I was a kid: I remember my father's golden rule like it was yesterday, "If you get in a fight, you better win and not come home crying, because if you come home with a black-eye and tears, you'll soon have something to cry about."

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