Sunday, February 17, 2008

Testify my brother: Roger Clemens on the hot-seat in front of Congress

I'll be honest, the "Rocket", Roger Clemens has brass. I once wrote (regarding the steroids issue and Roger Clemens) that it is a whole different ball-game when you talk to a reporter and then go and try to sell that same line, under oath and in front of a Congressional panel. But Clemens is sticking to his guns. What do we get from this story: Clemens loves America-willing to sign autographs and hand out "Uh-Merica"-rally-towels but only willing to pitch when he was 110% ready to represent "Uh-Merica". Second, Clemens can name drop with the best of them-"I was sitting in a deer stand, when the former President (assuming George H.W. Bush) found me. And called me to give his support."

Here's other "highlights" from Roger Clemens testimony in front of Congress (Feb.13, 2008). Courtesy of ESPN. And what do you learn from this-don't f-with Congress.

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