Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday's WTF? President Bush makes a dire comparison

As you know the President loves the taste of leather, that is why of course, he should probably fire a speech writer today. Why? Because in his speach to a VFW group in Kansas City, MO, the President made the comparison of the pull-out in Southeast Asia to the growing call for a pull-out in Iraq, stating:
"Will today's generation of Americans resist the deceptive
allure of retreat and do in the Middle East what veterans in this room did in

Further more the President made the wrong inference that Pol Pot was able to enforce a genocide on his own people in Cambodia on the Khmer Rouge, because the United States pulled-out to early, not that we stayed too late. I know, sure he doesn't know his history and that of course, President Bush (through GHW Bush's sting-pulling) never served in Vietnam, but many people of his generation did. It seems like a lot of Monday-morning-arm-chair-quarterbacking to make this parallel, especially when Bush was too busy protecting the Rio Grande from a V.C. flank in the Texas Air National Guard (read: Yuppie/Child of Entitlement wasn't there and shouldn't open his mouth, except to obviously insert foot.)

If Ann Coulter wants to label Clinton as a draft-dodger, then George W Bush should get the man-of-privilege badge of dishonor as well. It's sad really that it has come to this kind of grasping at straws by the Administration. There's no excuse really for even making this parallel, especially when so many men still have still have the fear and loathing from this era and most men (ask your Dad, if he was lucky enough to not go) know their Draft Card Number. WTF Mr. President? WTF indeed?

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