Monday, September 18, 2006

Gamecocks win by 7 over Wofford

Last month I fumed at the thought of the Post & Courier’s Sports-writing staff didn’t have anything good to say about the Game Cocks. I remember clutching the section and muttering “Beat the Burger” and “Gene Spank-a lot” are two of the biggest melodious, Clem(p)son loving rumps to ever set words to paper…And then the season started. Don’t get me wrong on paper, the Stats look great: Cory Boyd’s 3-Td’s rushing scored a school record, Sidney Rice had 151 yards receiving and Syvelle Newton looked capable, but the little things that win games seemed to not be clicking for the Cocks. It is not just barely beating a Southern-Conference school of only about a thousand students that scares me, but what happens when the #2 team in the nation comes to Cola in two weeks, followed by two weeks on the road in both Kentucky and Tennessee, and then a visit from Rocky Top and the Razorbacks before the Visor leads the Cocks into the Swamp?

To end on a bright note, Mel orchestrated a fantastic trip: great friends (see photo: Cantwell & Hutto), great seats and passes to Cocks Corner with prime parking. I was glad to see the Cocks win and my bed after the marathon of tailgating was over. Thanks again Mellen!

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