Former Governor of Texas, Ann Richards passed yesterday at the age of 73 of complications from esophageal cancer. Richards left numerous progressive fingerprints on the Texas landscape, but it was her wit & Southern-styled charm that she will truly be remembered for. She was sadly defeated by the current President for the Governor’s office in Texas underestimating Bush’s political savvy and also the extreme measures Karl Rove would use to scare people and rile up the Conservative base in Texas. This harkens back to the golden era of Rove’s nitty gritty dirt campaign when he had flyers with homosexual-males engaged in intercourse with the heading “Ann Richards is for Gay Rights” left under the windshield wipers of cars in church parking lots. Thus, Rove permanently sealed his position on the Hinge of Evil (Hitler, Pol Pot and Karl Rove) that swings the screen door on the 5th Gate of Hell. I digress; Richards may have lost an election, but she did not lose a step. She continued as an activist, writer and political advisor as well as motorcycle enthusiast until her passing.
When Ann Richards lost the gubernatorial seat in Austin, the political landscape for the Democratic control of the Lone Star State would forever change, but hopefully, one day, a Richards-esque Democrat will carry on her torch.
Ann Richards Quotes:
Ask a feminist and they will tell you the best quote from Ann Richards’ regarding the ability of women to lead in business or politics is: “Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”
Any Democrat in the rest of the country will remember Ann Richards for two things, being the 1992, DNC-Chairperson who nominated Bill Clinton and her comments made towards George H. W. Bush back in 1988, “Poor George, he can’t help it…He was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”
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