Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Thomas Ravenel and the "Age of Nepotism"

Can you feel the nepotism? After suffering a hands down loss for his bid for the senate, Thomas Ravenel a “businesss man who comes from outside of the political process…committed to shaking up the status quo and challenging politics as usual in our State Capital” is running for the Treasury’s spot. Ravenel’s main political goal as Treasurer is to lower taxes (something our State Treasurer’s Office doesn’t handle).

Verdict: I know in the “Age of Nepotism” we love to promote families in South Carolina, but for the love of Jeebus isn’t enough to drive over the Ravenel bridge to show Uncle Artie we love him? I know that Megan and I had a falling out because she was working on T-Rav’s senate campaign and I had no love (or mercy) for young Thomas. I am sorry; I just can’t support someone who claims to be a “self-made man” who just happened to “luck” into a job selling commercial real estate straight out of college. Look T-Rav, it’s just like I told you when I met you at the Rue, when you make claims of a “self made man” and your last name is Ravenel, you piss people off who actually did work for everything they have. The sad thing is that T-Rav doesn’t even realize that he is not a self-made man. Thomas Ravenel is just another legacy riding on Daddy’s coat-tails who was born on third, but thinks he hit a triple. Good grief! Give it a rest Tommy.
(Photo compliments of Laurin Manning's blog, check out her site when you get a chance.)

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