Friday, June 16, 2006

Marcus Aurelis 16 days and a wake-up

It is time, Dallas Campbell and Leslie Abercrombie will tie the knot in 16th days and a wake-up. I showed gross poor negligence (read about it!) with my inability to aide in the steering committee for the pre-bachelor party last night due to a strained back (sorry folks at Crosby, Stills and Nash, LLC I had to sit out from work today, where's the Doan's back relief?) I am back in the saddle after a soak in the hot-tub and will steer the crew over to the Wind-Jammer (always a jam-good time) to see Cowboy Mouth. Let the imbibing of alcohol begin! We're going to get "sh-crap tooth" drunk tonight! (Photo of Jet, Mark-aka, "Idiot, excuse me Bachelor" and Brad)

It is not in my nature to be mysterious, but what happens on the beach, stays on the beach! (For the record: Mark Campbell loves his finacee Leslie Abercrombie.) That being said, when "this party needs more cowbell" we all fear the reaper of the Peacock! He who passes out first needs to have their mouth duct-taped fear the insert! Bradford is in the bathroom baking cookies. As for bottle caps of Jasper Daniels, throw it over the shoulder for good luck, because "we don't need that anymore"! Draw your own conclusions, but safety first, Yellow Cab will be called tonight.

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