Tonight (8 pm) President Bush will address the nation to outline his plan to deploy Army National Guard troops to aide the Border Patrol in defense of the Mexican/US border. The Old Gray Lady reports Mexico’s Presidente-o Vicente-o Fox-o called Dubya-o to ask what the F-O? Obviously, Dubya is stuck between a rock and hard place on this issue, but he’s listening to the people and the “people want the border’s closed” (WaPo).
The ‘hard-place’ of course is the fundamental base of the GOP and to think that they are dissatisfied about abortion, same-sex marriage and immigration would be an understatement. As they should be, these folks get out the vote for their candidate and only receive lip-service from Republican candidates when it comes to the Christian base’s concerns and issues. (When the election rolls around you hear about gay-marriage, abortion, etc, but nothing is ever done about it once the GOP candidate is elected.) I read today, that Conservatives may withhold their support in the next election if Congress and the White House don’t shape up. As they should, let their conscience be their guide, soon the pendulum will fall back to the left-naturally; somebody has to clean up this mess.
The ‘rock’ is the fiscal side of the GOP. The bottom line is that the Republican Party is in bed with big business, and they smoke screen their tax policies to make small business vote along party lines as well. That being said, the bottom line to protect for small business is the need for cheap labor (especially with fuel prices moving upward towards $3). Where do you find skilled and affordable labor? Hola Mexico! BushCo has reached out towards Hispanic voters and entertained efforts to provide a system of guest workers, and a growing minority of voters to add girth to the party base. But he is taking heat from the We Are America Alliance as they protest against National Guard troops and the measure of punitive legislation coming from Capitol Hill. I digress; the main idea we tend to forget about in this balancing act is the American Dream. Many people risk their lives to come to this country and become something through hard work and perseverance, finally achieving the American Dream which enchants foreign aspirants of wealth without pedigree.
Perhaps it is our own selfishness that we won’t fix the immigration issue because from the beginning of our country’s history, we have always wanted to pick and choose who we let in. We do not want other countries to send us their "huddled masses", we want the cream of the crop or someone to harvest our crops-not someone who will take our jobs. Yes, as ridiculous as this sounds many people worry that you won't be able to find work as a sharecropper these days if we let all of these Hispanics into the country. Yet, who is going to provide the labor? Because the reason people come here is because there is work, and companies will hire them; it is the time-honored Economic position of supply and demand!
Finally, Mr President, if you truly want to get rid of Hispanics and illegal aliens in this country, might I suggest taking away their demand and punishing the companies which hire said illegals. Once the demand is gone, the supply will head elsewhere. As for the National Guard going to the Mexican border, well it could be worse; you could be headed to Iraq. One last request, Mr. President and commentators, please be off the air by 9 pm, I have to watch Jack Bauer save the world tonight.
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