Friday, April 21, 2006
General John Rosa installed as the Citadel's 19th President
Today Lt. General John Rosen (Citadel Class of 1973) will be installed today as the Citadel's 19th President 11:00 am @ the McAlister Field House. Rosa actually began his new position in January after retiring from his last post-leading the Air Force Academy through a very delicate and challenging time period.
Party like its' 1842!
The Citadel Library (Daniel Library for you "knob-knowledge" purists) will have a photo collection of General Rossa's cadet career on the third floor. You will have the chance to see the General leading the Bulldogs on the gridiron wearing the #14. The Bushido gives a sacred bow to the General for aspiring to the position of 1 and a gun his senior year! The Inaugural celebration will conclude with a Dress Parade at 14:30 hours, on the Parade Deck in his honor.
The pleasure was all mine
I had the pleasure of meeting General Rossa at the Citadel Stray Dog Society dinner in his honor; I have to admit I was quite impressed. The General, also, was impressed with the Bushido's entrance to the Charleston Yacht Club, 007 style-arriving via boat, riding on the "Knot Tied Yet" with fellow "penguins" Dr. Vallini, Lt. Kirby Baker, and Mr. B. I digress; I was quite taken back with one figure the General gave during his speech which outlined his plan for the Citadel's future development and how to keep the school relevant. What figure am I referring to? Last year, 20,000 classes were cut. I know Craig Blackmon was there last year, but still, that figure seems high. Regardless, General Rossa is polished, intelligent, experienced and loves the Citadel. In fact, he just spent $80,000 to send his son there.
My weekly what the F???
Tell me which one of these names recently elected to the Citadel Alumni Assoc Membership Committee doesn't look like the other: Kevin M. Elmore, ’74; Nancy R. Mace-Jackson, ’00; Dr. William S. Stafford, ’78; William L. Yaeger, ’83. Now, I hate to bring this up, but is someone still riding on Daddy's coat-tails? QQQQQqqqq!!!
What is the opposite of a masogynist?
Normally I wouldn't even bring this up, because 1) women are part of the Corps, 2) I am neither a Citadel graduate, nor part of the Corps. But I found this information from the CAA meeting in January. That's right Cadets, the Bushido still never sleeps!
"Nancy R. Mace-Jackson, ’00, president of the Atlanta Citadel Club and district director representing Citadel clubs outside of South Carolina, requested a CAA policy statement regarding the Stray Dogs Society. The all-male organization is seeking to increase membership and has contacted area clubs to enlist their support. The perception is that the CAA is endorsing this group. The overwhelming Board consensus was that the CAA should not be affiliated with this group either directly or indirectly. To clarify the CAA’s stance on the issue, the Executive Committee will draft a policy statement to present at the April meeting, and Mr. Rogers was asked to remove his name as the group’s advisor."
I am not sure if Mr. Rogers exercised the CAA's request, mums the word; but he may or may not have been sitting at the table with me at the aforementioned black-tie event. Rogers is a hero, a veteran and served the country as an FBI agent for twenty years. (He may have not extended the Bushido a proper bon voyage as I left the long gray line, but no hard feelings. Any friend of Olie, is a friend of mine.) Nancy, as far as I am concerned, he outranks both you and your twinkle, twinkle little star Daddy. And I am not sure how you landed the president position in Atlanta, especially considering that there are more qualified and successful Citadel Alums in Atlanta (i.e. Ted Turner's boys-Beau and Teddy, as well as Georgia's gas King Tom Stikeleather). Seriously, I am scratching my head here. All I can think of is Cadet-Recruit Mace with her Daddy in Jenkins' Hall, her half-a@@ knob haircut, no bracing or a 4th class system, just carrying her skin-flute in the march of the Q's and now here she is all grown up with her CAA position. Are you thinking what I am thinking? That's right, what the F?
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