Monday, April 10, 2006

Early morning Bushido blogging: The Ten Commandments

Early morning Bushido blogging: His Quilt has many colors...
I know, it has happened once again; I am up late on a Sunday, can't sleep and if I could quit tossing and turning to finally rock myself into a slumber the result would be Rip Van-Trabert late to the paying job later today. The dichotomy of things on my mind both the personal and professional linger like a plague of locusts-light bulb!

To celebrate the Lenten season, ABC will not reshow the classic portayal of Moses by Charlton Heston, but will release a new version of The Ten Commandments which will aire tonight and tomorrow from 9 to 11pm. I surfed around to make sure I had the times and stars right and tripped across a Boston Globe review of which I am in agreement. Although I have not seen the show, or the new digital effects, I am not sure that I want to. The Ten Commandments are in the same category of Casablanca when it comes to remakes. Unless you have James Earl Jones playing Moses, I don't think anyone else (certainly not Dougray Scott) can carry the moxy of leadership to keep a tribe of people under control for 40-years whilst the group is lost in the desert.

Seriously, we all know the story: kid in a basket, reared as a prince, back to the peeps; let my people go free to the Pharoah Ramses, paint the door, locusts, part the Sea, talk to God via a burning bush, and then roll down the mountain with two tablets of rules. Why redo a classic? Open for your comments, wait until after you see the show tonight if you like.

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