Saturday, February 25, 2006

Bushido Blogging: (The Local Movement)

Recently I have noticed while on the Campaign Trail and as I try to press the Bushido movement in certain busy or somewhat noisy affairs that telling people The Bushido Way's address (if you just missed the hyper-link it is is somewhat of a challenge. Being that it is a dreary, cold wet f-ed up February day and that Ryan Parsons and I were having a double-scotch, single malt night to the wee hours this morning, I laid in bed and watched sports and of course the Food Network all day. After watching Chef Batali's program (more on that later) and the circus of business of which he is the "ring-master" I had an ephiany-I should see if the Bushido is available on Blogspot and make it a local politics and news blog focused on South Carolina and the Low-Country.

The Move is being made because 1) the Bushido Way is becoming a monster of information and misses a lot of what South Carolinians want; 2) the idea to change the address has been banging away in my head for quite sometime; 3) as I mentioned, the Bushido Way is too hard to get people to remember to type in on their computers when they get home; 4) "the Bushido" is easier to Google Search for and finally, 5) I think it will be good for business and will keep things interesting. I'll keep the local news, South Carolina politics, local sports (obviously the Braves and the Tarheels will get a healthy amount of representation) and local music.

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